Killing people in thier sleep and selling thier belongings across the street. Not sure if thats a job or a hobby but I gusse when your self employed you better like what you do!... where do you all live? :hehe:
1st job would probably be a Mudcrab murderer but I'd also go for Dragon decimator, Necromancer nullifier, Bandit basher, antronach assassin, cave-dweller culler, troll trasher, orge oblitorator and Miner
On my first try with my test character, I'll give a try to all jobs. On my second try with my RP character, I'll go for cooking... and killing people. ^_^
il probably look up the companions so exterminator whether its rats goblins trolls or even sabre tooth tigers preying on your livestock i will be there to help you. provided you have the gold! :thumbsup: