Ha ha

I still play Carmageddon on Dosbox. Fantastic game and stress reliever. I was just playing yesterday while listening to the soundtrack of DEATHPROOF on winamp.
Ahh yes Carmageddon. Good classic! This, the GTA Series and the Hitman series are always great frustration relievers for me. Get a car and start 3-4 star chase in GTA, mutilate pedestrians in Carmaggedon or load Hitman Blood Money with cheats and fire at everyone on the Mardi Gras festival. :tops:
My first video game was Super Mario Bros/Duck Hunt. I guess I must have been 2 when I tried it. And I guess it took one or two more years before I actually *played* it rather than moving Mario around without knowing why, without knowing how the game worked.
I still play it today from time to time. I've yet to finish it.
My first violent game was Wolfenstein 3D at my cousin's house. First violent game I owned was Warcraft 1 and Warcraft 2 Battle Chests. :chaos: (Or was it Duke Nukem 3D when I was 9 years old? Anyway, I'll always be thankful to my parents back then, as they let me purchase violent games even though I was way under the age rating...My mother bought me Conker's Bad Fur Day for my birthday. I was 15.
