When you entered your first tavern in that first playthrough of Skyrim.
And the resident Bard struck up with his/her first song....
Did you cringe or embrace your inner geek?
When you entered your first tavern in that first playthrough of Skyrim.
And the resident Bard struck up with his/her first song....
Did you cringe or embrace your inner geek?
I was pretty impressed. It seemed to set the tone for Skyrim very well.
However I was upset to see all the taverns were identical.
I was unimpressed with the dull singing and strums of the lute.
Followed by the cringing clapping of the one man audience.
I thought it was pretty cool, Ragnar the Red is a great first song to run into. I had to wait for the Bard to play it again for my husband and we sat their LOAO for a couple minutes.
My favorite Bard now is the Orc. I can't stand some of the "singing", it's so off key.
Your life must be pretty miserable.
Is there anything you don't complain about?
Says the person who cries at the sight of someone complaining about the game which your tiny life revolves around.
As soon as someone makes the slightest complaint do you usually act this hostile?
I geeked out when Tino Tonitini Sven began to play a slow reprise of the tavern song from the first two games.
Then he began to sing, and even though I enjoyed it a little I now realize that was the first time I showed hatred for the people of the province. It only grew worse from there.
Listened to The Dragonborn song. Liked it. And then went onto Bleak falls Barrow
Only the Dragonborn song is kind of cringe-worthy from the bards. Ragnar the Red and even Age of Oppression/Aggression are fine.
I was actually a little disappointed overall in my first tavern visit, which happened to be Riverwood's. None of the Inns or Taverns in Skyrim match the ambiance of Oblivion (Which in my opinion had the best, especially in internal vibe). I mostly blame lighting for that though. Skyrim's taverns and inns, aside from being way too slimilar most of the time, are all overlit and share many of the same problems as the design of the cities themselves. Unbelievably simplistic. (IE: One room and two bar stools)
I cringed then like I cringe now...I may have an inner geek but I'm also a musician so their horrible singing overpowers their contribution to the tavern atmosphere. Also my first encounter with a bard was beating him down at a nice stall ladies request
Ragnar the Red definitely holds up better, but it's because it's obviously not meant to be taken seriously.
I forgot her name, but the tavern wench in Dawnstar wins the gold for wtfstopsingingplox. I decapitated her during Ragnar the Red... Let's just say the timing was perfect. Also, did you know you continue singing for 3 seconds after being decapitated?
I liked it. But they coulda added more and longer songs
Off topic the bard singing in the mod falskaar impressed me almost more than anything in the game x)
I think the bard we get in Heljarchen Hall is just as bad, might even be the same voice actor. I actually decapitated her as she sang the part about his head rolling on the floor which was an epic way to fire her
Is it still a crime to murder the singers, or does the game legitimize it if they are off key?
First tavern I walked into was the Bannered Mare. First reaction was steal the mammoth tusk behind the counter.
I'd read so many complaints about the bards' singing and never thought any of them were that bad myself. I figured being an enthusiastic but terrible singer I was just a bit more tolerant (or tone deaf) than most people. Then I went to Dawnstar. I understand now.
My first tavern would have been Riverwood, I guess. Generally I rather like the bards, they're a nice touch. Though there have been times when I've ended up with Age of Aggression stuck in my head for days at a time, which I could have done without.