I started TES with Morrowind and loved the unique world it sent me to filled with wonderous and dangerous creatures. Then Oblivion came out with it's focus on more traditional fantasy setting and it fit to have more Earth based creatures on it such as deer,bears, and horses. But when Skyrim was annouced I was hoping for less Earth based creatures and more unique animals to once again be the vast majority of animals. Unfortunatly, we are again getting too many generic animals running around (rabbits, foxes, deer, wolves, etc...) IMO, with little to zero unique qualities added to them to make them feel like they are from Nirn rather than Earth (even something as simple as the 4 tusks on the mammoths help). And that makes me a little concered that like Oblivion I will not feel like I'm living on a different world, but alternate version of Earth. Do you guys like the animals to based on real animals or would you prefer all/most of the creatures to be completely original? And for fun which creature would you like to see return most? I would love to see what Winged Twilights would look like in Skyrim.