Like most the others the most is spent on building a HF home. I might find some really nice item I need from a vendor and buy it for a couple thousand gold. But generally I just have no need for it.
Most my characters start collecting jewelry around level 10 since I have so much I can't even sell it all. I end up with a chest in the house just full of the stuff. My current character is a rogue in the Thieves Guild. With the guild restored he can sell everything and ... well lets just say I'm thankful that gold is weightless in Skyrim. (Well actually I'm not as that is one of the changes they made to these games that I hate ... but that's a post for another thread).
Training, Soul Gems, Gear and House. You get to a point in Skyrim where you are so rich it doesn't matter anymore. I just buy everything I need.
I don't. I just don't pick it up. This game goes a bit Scrooge McDuck, and finding things is always more of a challenge.
Training and crafting materials. I still have mountains of gold laying around though.
My followers are equipped and live like royalty.