With all do respect, I am not here to 'fix' anyone's game, because I believe Fallout 4 is in the top 5 games ever made without mods.
I know you don't intentionally mean to insult anyone by saying such, but I do honestly find it insulting that people view modders in such a way. I am here to create new content for the game I think is great, and maybe in some way prove that my ideas are as good as I think they are. I am not here to 'fix' a game that is not broken. I want to bring joy to as many people as possible and move the industry forward through proving what can be done, as opposed to whining about what wasn't done.
I think Fallout 4 beats New Vegas hands down, in my mind there is no competition between the two, New Vegas is not even comparable to how fun Fallout 4 was. Fallout 4 is somewhere between a 9 and a 10 for me, and New Vegas sits around a 7. Maybe I am just sick of looking at the freaken desert, as I live in the Mohave and have to drive through the desert to get to work every day, but I just never found New Vegas to be a fun videogame.
I totally respect you opinion that you like New Vegas, but I just don't think it compares to Fallout 4 in any way... It is kind of boring honestly...
I have never in my life played a single player videogame for more than 100 hours until Fallout 4 came along. In high school when I had no responsibilities and no ability to flirt with girls, so as a result I had tons and tons of free time, I played games like Final Fantasy X for 67 hours and KOTOR for 58 hours... Everyone I worked with and everyone in the rock band I was in played Halo 3, so I played that on multiplayer for 100+ hours, won a couple hundred dollars in tournaments, but that was more for the social aspect of hanging with my real world friends, people I would see the next day at school or at my job,
But in my advlt life where I had other things to worry about, the only game that has ever came close was when I played Mass Effect 3 for the second time back in 2014 with all the downloadable content, and that only lasted me 55 hours. The first time I played Mass Effect 2 and 3 I only got about 25 hours out of each, it was only when I revisited them both in 2014 that I got over 80 hours between the two games. (though slightly off topic, I do have to say that Mass Effect 2 was the game that came out during the time I hit rock bottom in my personal life, and those 25 hours of playing through it pretty much saved me from my alcohol addiction and the dark path I was heading down back in 2010... It was the escape I needed, and as a result no game will ever mean as much to me as Mass Effect 2.)
Fallout 4 alone got me to over 100 hours without me even noticing it... That is just crazy to me, considering it has no dlc and it is just one single game. Yes, it began to slow down around 95 hours, but for that week and a half from November 10th through November 20th Fallout 4 consumed me in a way I don't even know how to explain. I am 26 years old now, with a respectable job and several girls that want to date me, I shouldn't like a videogame this much, I don't want to like a videogame this much, but I do.
I hate myself for it, but I really do like Fallout 4 that much.
So anyways, I really do respect the opinion that other games have done certain aspects better, and I really will do my best to draw from the strengths of all these games to make my future mods the best they can be... And I really am sorry if I have been overly emotional and lost my logic in discussions because I was worn down by the weight of hate filled posts. But I really care about the future of the industry, and I really feel that Bethesda is going in the direction that is best for the masses.
I truly am sorry for the minority that loves computer rpgs like Fallout 1 and 2... I have had many thing in my life go down the drain because the general public decided to go a different direction, the very music I loved was killed out in order to make room for the grunge era and all the bands that followed. I know your pain and I am truly sorry you have been left behind... The fact that Black Sabbath, the band that first introduced the concept of grunge music back in 1969, was decimated to a band that couldn't even sell out a single show in the 1990s Tony Martin era depresses me as a guitarist to this day, because those albums to me were brilliant... But in the end the general public decided that bands like Pearl Jam and Nirvana defined the decade and I can do nothing less than comply and accept the inevitable that people will forget that the Tony Martin Era of Black Sabbath ever existed and made the brilliant albums like Tyr and Cross Purposes.
Even when you talk about the great Ronnie James Dio, people forget that some of his greatest work came from the Dehumanizer album with Black Sabbath... It was art simply born in the wrong decade... and no matter how much I love it, it will always be forgotten by the mainstream music industry... You will never hear songs like 'I' played on the radio, because the mainstream media simply went a different direction.
I have to accept that those albums mean nothing to pop-culture, and it makes me sad on the same level it makes you sad that Fallout 1 and 2 are forgotten in favor of the new and progressive Fallout 4.
In this particular case, as a Bioware fan and someone who's dream job is being a writer for a game like Mass Effect, I am on the side that Bethesda chose as the future of their game. But that doesn't mean I don't have sympathy for those that have been left out in the process, because that has been me in almost everything else that has happened in my entire life.
So I guess long story short, I am both sorry and not sorry for what I believe to be true. Take that how you will, but I truly want to spread joy with my work, and not hate, so if I have caused any hate I am honestly as sorry as anyone could ever be.