I gave it a 10. Not because I believe it is absolutely perfect, but because it is the best Bethesda game I've played since Morrowind.
I pretty much agree to this. While some improvements are very nice, the improved combat, improved companions, they took step backwards.
For negatives I would add lack of evil play, joining "evil" factions is a let down, no slavers, no gang to join, no merc/assassin crew to join, thus no quests in that regard either. No option other than Charisma in dialogue checks, which also removes dumb playthrough, smart guy playthrough, tough guy playthrough. Other major gripe is hardly any continuation of lore from FO 3, which is especially silly taking into consideration the connected quest of Replicated Man from FO 3. Not a single peep on the LW. It more like TES style lore than FO lore. A total lack of new and interesting factions, ie, we knew about the Institute, Railroad from FO 3, so we had a basic idea what they were like, and BoS is just the continuation of the BoS from 3. SM, ghouls, raiders are all the same as they were in 3, Gunners is the new Talon Company. Only major faction that was new is Minutemen and they are annoying as hell because of the repetition. It really stretches my suspension of disbelief with all the raiders, SM, and ghouls all over the place and how in the world anyone normal is alive in the Commonwealth(this is particularly annoying with how fast places respawn). The Vaults are lack luster compared to FO 3 and FONV.
7/10 in its current state on Xbox One.
It could easily be an 8 or 9 if most of the bugs were ironed out, but as it is now, I think 7 is as good as it's getting. If the AI, broken settlement quests, and the settlement system itself were fixed it could be an 8, and with the coming DLC it'll probably make a 9 depending on how good the DLC is.
Pretty much . Although my modded Skyrim is in the same joy ballpark for me. can't wait for the modding tools to come out.
I vote 8. The game is a good game, but not, for me, as good as Fallout 3 or New Vegas. This is Fallout 3 on steroids but without Fallout 3's atmosphere, world-building finesse or role-playing elements. Still a good game and more than worth the money, but not as good as it should be.
I guess the question is, what is a 10?
Is a 10 a hypothetical most perfect videogame ever that has everything right and an impossible level of depth and detail? Because if that is what we are rating it on, I would give it an 8.
If a 10 is comparing it to other real videogames made by real non-imaginary game studios, then I would give it a 10/10 because it stacks up strongly against any non-hypothetical videogame.
I would give Fallout 3 and New Vegas both a 6...
That is the thing with a scoring system, no matter if its 1 - 10 or 1 - 5 stars. We all have our own versions of it, and therefore it does not work when using a poll like this. It is the same reason as to why it does not work with professional reviewers. A recommend, not recommend system would be the best, with detailing what the game does well and what it does not do well. All in all scoring a game using some sort of system with letters or numbers is broken. That is just my opinion though.
8/10 same as Skyrim
It's better than FO3 but not as good as NV imo.
I give it a 10.
The only thing I don't like about it is the dialog choices compared to prior Fallout games, but I'm not that upset with it to where it warrants a lesser rating in my opinion.
Plus there have been some dialog changes that are really great. For example, you can Quicksave at any point during the beginning and all through the dialog scene's so you can easily try out all of your options and repeat some to get a favorable dialog going with just a simple reload of a Quicksave.
The graphics are leaps and bounds better. Honestly, I wouldn't want them to be much better than this because I think it would take away from the game. It is a game after all. I wouldn't want it to be photo/video-realistic.
The only crashes I have had have been related to minimizing Fallout 4 and pulling up the Youtube App. Other than that I have had zero crashes.
I have run in to one bug in the 300 + hours I have played the game and a simple reload of a Quicksave fixed it.
It feels like there are more places to explore compared to previous Fallout games. Don't know if it's actually the case but it feels that way.
The whole settlement aspect of the game is like having an entire game within the game. It's pretty incredible that they got the quests, quest characters, and traders to all interact with the main game and the settlements as smoothly as they did.
And the way this game looks and works on a console is quite an achievement in itself in my opinion.
You can tell a lot of work and love went in to this game. It is a new beginning for sure but it's off to one hell of a start if you ask me, which you did, so there.
I love it. I haven't even thought of another game since Fallout 4 came out. I have 5 other brand new unopened PS4 games here that I bought with Fallout 4 thinking I was going to be bouncing between games for a while. I haven't even looked at the others.
It's not a bad game, but it's not that good either.
I have to give this game an 8, there's many, many regressions from the likes of the other Fallouts but I've invested over 100 hours already.
But if the perfect videogame has never been made, then a non-perfect videogame somewhere must be worthy of that score.
Very true. But I think they should explain if the game is worth full price or not. For example I really like DA:I but I wouldn't spend more than $40 for the base( it's DLC isn't worth $15 each either) .
That would be a nice touch. Adding a what you should pay for this. Full price, wait for sale etc. To bad that reviewers do not have the guts to do it, mostly because they are paid for positive reviews or need the ad revenue that some pusblishers contribute to their site.
I gave it a 7, based pretty much on the same criteria as others have stated. The main quest and associated plot strikes ma as a bit... "patchwork", but not terrible, I'd rather have options for more than one companion, and I'd really like a "snap" toggle for settlement building. I found some areas that were inherently cool, but way underused, leaving me with a sense that such places could have been soooo much more than they were.
With all that being said, I would have given Oblivion about a 6 initially, and Skyrim would have rated only a 5 but I ended up loving both games... However, once mods were added into the equation, everything changed. Graphics were better, stories deeper, opponents deadlier, magic, weapons and combat more interesting. I'm very hopeful (and expectant) that mods will do the same for FO4.
I'll just quote myself from a different topic, because typing bores me.
I can't help but want to save your post for posterity....or something.
I loved the interaction between Danse, Arthur, and my character too! One of the best for me in the game so far.
Same here. It is a masterpiece, though not perfect.
To put my evaluation scheme into perspective, from my "recently played (last couple years)" list (some of which are old games which I only recently acquired):
FONV: 8.5
FO3: 9
Oblvion: 9
Skyrm: 9.5
Minecraft: 10
AI Fleet War: ? would seem to be a 5 but learning curve is so steep I haven't got into it yet
Arma 3: ? Still haven't played it
Arma 2: 10
BioShock Infinite: 8
Banished: 6.5 maybe a 7
Crusader Kings II: 9
Jagged Alliance Back in Action: 8 (unmodded) but 9 with some mods
Kerbal Space Program: 8 or 9 meh, been too long since I played it . . .
Life is Feudal: 7 or 8 again been too long
Out of the Park Baseball 15: 8 or 9, it does what it intends to do well, but gets tedious after awhile . . .
Pool Nation: 6
Professional Farmer 2014: 6
Vietnam 65: 6
XCOM Enemy Unknown: 7 or 8
Civ V: 7 or 8
Space Empires V: 8
Supreme Ruller Ultimate: 8
Rise of Flight: 7
StrikeFighters2 Vietnam: 8 Fantastic game, but too repetitive
Jagged Alliance 2 with V1.13 mod: 10
Panzer General 2: 8 or 9 too linear