What I want to see is that Players can actually miss out on quest lines because they have a certain companion with them.
For instance say the representative of the institute, Mr Burke has a job for you to get rid of a bunch of Ghouls living in a Revolving Restaraunt atop a Skyscraqer. You are currently travelling with Hudson, a panicking ex soldier who normally cracks under pressure in combat. Because hes sees you with a Ghoul buddy he thinks you are a ghoul Sympathiser and then thinks you wont want to kill the pleasant ghouls at the location because of this.
A Form of deductive reasoning. Even later on when you have got rid of Hudson because the guy cant shoot straight, you still dont get the quest because Burke has remembered that.
It shouldnt be just the player's actions that influence what quests they do and dont get, but also who they travel with.
Id also like to see companions speak out of turn. Perhaps while your talking to the security guard about getting into the Coffee shop, Hudson gets offended when the guy points out no Zombies allowed and either says something to the guard or attacks the guard outta anger. This causes you to not only fail your interaction check but also possibly to put all the people inside offside because its more than likely you team up to kill the guard.
(Yes if you havnt realised Im normally playing as a Lone Wanderer in these games , but I blame Ian for this)
ive no issue with another Fawkes style character (or even Fawkes again), but i dont have issue with Deathclaws as Companions.
I dont want them to 'humanise' the Deathclaw. Star Trek took a perfectly interesting 'race' in the Borg and put it in the spotlight way too much and historied it and [censored] and they became less interesting. I dont want people of the Wastes to be going 'Oh look, Its Mr Bubbles the Deathclaw. He sure has big assed claws but look hes with the Jesus of the Wastes. So he must be okay!. Lets sell him some nail clippers.' ( I hope Karma is gone btw. It always pissed me the hell off I wasnt able to recruit a freakin robot because my karma wasnt neutral)