I "play" from my coffin, while being constantly voyeur-ed by the prying eyes of Valdar.
My only essential is coffee. I have a single cup brewer that makes a cup in under two minutes, so I'm all set.
There is a chair in front of a TV on a table. Not the most special chair in the world, however, I plan on getting a comfortable gaming chair. I don't eat when I play video games (gets the controller greasy which my OCD cannot stand), but sometimes I will bring a drink when I get thirsty. Drinks vary between different sodas or flavored water. I am forced to play in very hot conditions considering I live in South Carolina. I try to play the Xbox whenever I can but most its at night and I prefer it to be that way because the temperatures are far more cool, my girlfriend is usually sleeping so I cannot be interrupted, and everything, besides the game I am focused on, is quiet.
A pillow some bags of pretzels, and I turn on my giant awesome fan that I have dubbed "The Air Tunnel" for the immense noise and amount of air that it blasts at me. I once accidentally played from like 3:00 pm to 12:30 am after school on a Friday because I totally lost track of time somehow and set out to beat DG and the main quest, which I did.
Wife gone or busy in another room doing her own thing, 5 year old sleeping, chilled beer glass and a six pack of Guiness Draught. Turtle Beach x41s with fully charged batteries.
When I feel like it
I work from home so I can pause for a skyrim break whenever the mood strikes me, but usually only for an hour or so during the day. In the evening/nights/weekends I play until my eyes bleeeeed
Well I'd love to play in the comfort of my room, where I have a door to shut, and headphones to plug in, but I don't have my own xbox. I share one with my brother Instead I have to go downstairs to play, so I can't really get lost in it too much. I sit pretty far from the tv too, so I can't use headphones to hear all the minute things (but that would make it ten times better), although playing on a 70 inch isn't all that bad.
Usually play for an hour or two, maybe four or five if I get lucky and don't have much to do. On my occasional lazy day though, I go nuts
(ps You can use headphones while on an xbox, right? Plug em into the tv?)
Whoever came up with the name "brandy-mug" for a farm, must have been thinking of me.
Well, I typically don't drink straight brandy from a mug. I usually mix it with ginger ale, or Polar Orange Dry. And it has to be E&J brandy. For a "mid-shelf" variety of booze, it's pretty good. It mixes well and it's morning-friendly.
Peace and quite, I nice cold glass of coke and some chips, simples yes
Going into my room with a chilled glass with any Japanese drink, turning my fan on, laying on my bed, and simply tuning out from the rest of the world.
Graqes, Coke, and Garage Hard Lemonade. That's my current layout. Changes all the time though.
Alone at home. Headphones. A bottle of water at hand. I stop playing if I need to eat.
Early weekend morning, a cup of coffee, no hurries and worries.