Deleting Fallout 4 from my PS4 
The problem with Fallout 4 seems to be the epic moments; where one imbibes in the sophomoric and revels in untrammeled power, minigun in had and jetpack in tow.
The rule of cool, is ultimately what will make this game a great for some and egregious for others, brilliant in isolation but execrable in context.
I hope I'm wrong but great characters, ideologies and stories are what I consider the epic moments of the series (and ultimately the apotheosis of the series).As I've said before, there's nothing to suggest we'll get any of this and history implies that we won't.
Ever feel like you're articulating the same sentiment in a different prose for the millionth time?
I can't wait 'till Fallout 4 is out, so I can finally discover if it's the end of something great or possibly the start of something better (as unlikely as this seems).