I boot up the game, enter settings and see an option to disable the protagonist voice and use a traditional Bethesda dialog system. I would genuinely cry tears of joy.
The most epic moments to me are when death is just a trigger away. In Fallout 3, I had a moment like that. I was wandering somewhere just south of a metro, and a bunch of raiders came out of nowhere. Cars were blowing up, I was making a desperate run for cover. My go-to weapon was out of ammo, and I was eating through stimpacks like candy, it was one of those moments.
At the end of the day, ten raiders were dead, I was out of ammo, my everything was crippled, and I had three little bars of life left. With what I think was enough junk food on my person to get to 10% health and limped back to Megaton.
That, to me, is epic. When you get broken and bloody, but you still walk away from a pile of dead bodies because they thought they had your number.
Edit: This one is more for me, on my part.
At the end of The Pitt, I confronted the dude, you know the one, and called him out on his plan to do the thing with the person and the thing that was going on.
It ended with him going "[censored] you!"
I entered VATS, targeted his head. To which I decreed to my television "...[censored] me? [censored] YOU!"
It was a short battle, but it was a very juicy peach.
Broken, battered, on my last legs. Out of stimpaks, wounds everywhere. But we're almost there, almost to Sanctuary Hills. My shotgun is spent, the empty shells littering the running battlefield, and the rifle was bashed out of my hands by one of those raider psychos. But here it comes, just one last mag in the automatic pistol, 50 meters left to the high walls of home. But I don't get to use that mag...
Why? Because the town guard have sprung into action. My body would not be the last on the long trail back to The Sanctuary. This would not be the first time than the finest I have gathered from across the waste would save my life, nor would it be the last time that the patrols had saved lives. Security is a hard thing to come across in The Wasteland, but the rebuilt town of Sanctuary Hills is making a profound impact on finally rebuilding the war torn Commonwealth.
Man, I cannot wait to get into Fallout 4. Just imagining what is possible makes my head spin.
Using a BB gun to kite a super mutant until I blow his leg off, then watch him crawl after me on one leg for the rest of the game. I'll call him Darryll.
Small things that over a large period of time add up into an epic experience.
Cause riding a deathclaw with gatling lasers strapped to it while I storm a behemoth clone army ain't epic to me. Not in the slightest. It's just silly. And not the good kinda chuckle-worthy kinda silly, but more like the shake my head because of how disappointed I am kinda silly. The only thing that would be epic for me would be if Fallout 4 was all just a big joke and what they're actually doing is returning it completely to its roots. And even then I'd need to play through Fallout 4 (proper version) a couple of times and give it a year before I completely trust them and can concede that yes, it was epic.
All Fallout 4 could ever hope to be for me is just above adequate, and with the details I've seen Fallout 4 is crap.
But whatever. I guess it'd at least be damn cool if lasers sliced enemies again and they had a new gore system in place which sliced enemies at the angles you shot them at. Would be wicked to slice off the top of the cranium and as the NPC tips over the brain plops out.
But epic? Come on man. Nothing's epic.
In FO4 and looking for games on my Pipboy and finding FO1.
I'm not so good at thinking up epic events but one thing that would be truly epic is to be wandering in the wasteland and come upon a male Brahmin. Every one I've seen has been a female cow, leaving me to wonder - how do they reproduce?
That's all I've got for now.
Blowing the head off of a Super Mutant behemoth with a flaming teddy bear.
Installing the game.
Booting the game.
Starting a new game for the first time.
I come across a sealed off Bunker room (and if anyone remembers the Doctors Surgery undernearth the bridge with all the Plungers in it), which looks abandoned for 200 years. The room has hundreds of Baseballs in it, and only one bat and a Shrine to the last program given out at the Baseball game previous to when the Bombs hit. There is a single old seat where you can sit down, and just soak it all in. You never find out why the room is the way it is and there are no Skeletons in it but its there.
The combat moments wont be the ones I remember, it will be the locations like the one above i will.
You see that airship in the trailer accompanied by vertibirds......I wanna be on that ship when my brothers in arms invade the heart of the commonwealth.
I will be on that airship, dont let my dreams be dreams.
I dont think my kind of place will be EPIC for most people. Like A Combat drop out of a Vertibird or something. They might be cool, but fallout for me (esp since FO3) is about the little things like the psycho on the bridge talking about bottling the sun, or Tomas out in the Mojave who made friends with some Lady who was interested in him simlply because he had Star caps in his possession)
I love when you see an NPC doing something where the AI really impresses you. It's quite rare though .