Hello everyone. I have decided to start a thread devoted to all the forgotten, all the rejects, all the characters who we created but (for whatever reason) we've got no interest to play.
Meet http://i936.photobucket.com/albums/ad208/xenaclone/Image0138.jpg. This is a character who was created approximately a year ago by me, and given an alternate start in Anvil. He was featured in last year's Hot or Not contest, and after his dismal Vanilla Male rating I had planned on gaming with him further. Although Sir Tanley was supposed to be some sort of knight (a good-doer, rather than an evil-doer) and I have played this sort of character before, everytime I thought of Sir Tanley I just couldn't get motivated to choose him for gaming.
He still resides in Anvil, wondering when in oblivion he's going to be active again.