"loudout" Sigh... and its not even the OP's fault, that word was actually used in one of the interviews :confused: god.
I hear ya, it's a completely appropriate term when debating which weapons I'm going to put in my newly captured M6 corvette in X3 Terran Conflict (which btw is an awesome space trading/combat sim and huge time sink if you're into that sort of thing, if it's not your cup of tea don't worry about it even if it comes as a surprise that I like other game genres besides TES!), but hearing it in a TES context I actually get a slight physical reaction in the stomach region and I don't mean that in a good way....
But back on topic:
Longsword or shortsword
(hopefully I can dual wield those combinations, dagger in the off-hand)
Destruction (because sometimes I might want to dual wield weapon and spell) and Illusion magic, alchemy to make my own healing and buff potions.
Probably some sort of light armour - in OB I really felt the absence of an unarmoured skill (especially since you couldn't wear a robe on top of armour for the sake of appearances) and I guess it's not coming back in Skyrim, but really for RP purposes I'd rather wear ordinary clothes or perhaps a robe. I really like playing an ordinary looking person who just turns out to be really well trained and deadly. Bring back unarmoured!!!! I really like roleplaying a stealth/magic/monk style character, and it doesn't feel right in armour.
And I sincerely hope that I will take a KEYCHAIN everywhere I go, so that I don't have to scroll through a billion keys every time I look in the misc section of my inventory!!!