I plan to binge eat nachos and pizza until 5am after release!
I plan to binge eat nachos and pizza until 5am after release!
- close the museum
- take out some carbage
- clean toilets
- empty the dishwasher
- haul some more carbage
- clean more toilets
- press buttons so lights go out
- Voila....you have spent your monday night alone in work. Return to salt mines before 8:00 AM
Work all day to make the day go by fast and pick Fallout up at about 11, take it home and play all night. Then all day the next 2 days.
Sitting near front door, praying it gets delivered early. It was posted yesterday evening, so it is possible.
Well Monday night will be waiting outside the mall that has the gamestop store and once it hits 0.01 i will kill everyone in front of me so i can get my game right away(i will do the Sheldon Mind blowing on people to get past) just need to make sure not to kill the clerk getting my game will be a tall order.
In all fairness might just get the game and get some sleep so i can experience it with a fresh well rested mindset but not sure it all depends on how quickly i can get home with the game and download the unlock patch, and decryption of the game as well usually it takes a good deal of time when it is a big title so more than lightly it will not be playable until 2 or 3 o'clock at night.
I just found out the local Gamestop where I ordered the game is doing a midnight release Monday night. I had not expected that--I guess I'll be dropping by. But I'll be too tired to play, I suspect. I want to be fresh. So I'll probably just read a bit of the strategy guide, fall asleep, wake up the next morning around 6:45 a.m. to take my wife to work, come back home, and play the game until my ass hairs take root in my couch.
Sleep at 10pm with wife. She works at 7am. The moment she leaves, I start playing.
well my Monday night plans are to finish work by 6pm. go home and let the dog out and eat dinner. then head to gamestop and check in. then probably go home, then back to Gamestop by 10pm and get in the line that is probably already 100 people. Once I get my game at midnight, head back home and get it installing on the PS4. then try not to play all night because I have to be at work Tuesday morning at 6:30am
Come home from work. Drink a gallon of coffee. Buy Fallout 4. Play the [censored] out of the game as best I can before showering and going to class in the morning.
My plans for Monday night?
Hang around here, watch some Dr. Ashen on youtube and play chess before going to bed.
I'm going to hang out here at the forum to help with issues people have and move spoilers and software and hardware questions and complaints.
I won't be playing the game for some time after release.
Go to class in the morning and should be out by Noon. Do "stuff" until Monday Night Raw come on after it go off play a game for a hour until Fallout 4 is open,
have to get up a 2 am on tues, so will be heading to bed mon and FO will have to wait til fri
Go into work at 3pm, get off at midnight. Might see if walmart is selling it at midnight or i may just buy it that morning when i wake up
Thanks for all the work on keeping this the last bastion from the hordes of spoilers. I think a couple of my first characters will be named from Mods and from the Community Staff members here in helping to kelp the game mostly fresh for the first play through.
Have fun when you do get the chance to play the game.
Well since my local Best Buy is not doing a midnight opening and thats where I ordered the Pip boy edition from, I am not doing anything out of the norm for me. I took Tuesday off to pick it up when store opens and playing all day.
Thank you. My character's name will be the same as the one in Fallout:3 which was Peggy Sue. I'm hoping it will be in the list but really doubt it.
Oh, and I will have many hours of fun. I'm really hoping for a good game. So far, so good.
Are you going to make a male character named Buddy?
It comes out at like 4AM where I live, worst case scenario. I guess I'll be able to just customize the character before sleepiness kicks in.