I do agree the skyrim dwemer stuff is the best and most sensible to date. Although i like the morrowind claymore better. Dunno, I may give knocking some resources about to see if we can get a similar look to the dwemer armor. But new meshes are beyond me right now. (Although i now have a copy of blender for dummies. But wished they made a total simpleton version, with big pictures)
might try and tackle it, but I can only do the mesh. Someone else would have to do the rigging, UVing and other stuff as I haven't learned any of that yet.
What I will tell you is to imagine most of Vvardenfell belonging to Dagoth Ur. Imagine his Ash minions being the accepted law enforcement in the land. Imagine cities like Ald'ruhn, Balmora, Gnisis, and Vivec falling into ruin while House Dagoth bases grow in scope and power. Imagine that next to nothing stands in Ur's way. Imagine that the past is not as you've known it to be.
Yeah, then you're not really tackling what I've said.

Also yeah, adding a body conversion to the list as someone above mentioned. BB looks pretty old now.