satisfying? well, its not my favorite moment or most memorable, but I would call it satisfying because it reduced the amount of harassment people had been getting..
back when I played Star Wars Galaxies (which was an amazing game.. unlike ToR) I was an officer in one of my servers largest Guilds.. at the time, my Server had three major Guilds that essentially held a lot of power within the servers community, one who were loyal to the Rebellion, one who was neutral, and one who swore allegiance to the Galactic Empire (which was the one I was part of)..
I logged on one day to collect my earnings for my Traders Droid and Starship Shop i had opened and just talk to my buddys while i crafted, and I noticed the Guilds Traders and Entertainers (the games non-combat classes) were upset about something.. apparently, one of the servers largest Rebelion guilds members, a pretty skilled and respected Commando as far as the PvP community was concerned, had been going around harassing any non-combat or low level characters who were neutral or part of the empire..
at first, i tried to be diplomatic, I contacted an Officer of the Rebel Guild he was in (a guy i knew pretty well, we often traded crafting resources) to just let him know it was giving their guild a bad name.. he essentially said "[censored], if there was something wrong they probably started it!"..
since Diplomacy had broken down, and for a few weeks this guy kept harassing people, I decided to fix the issue through other methods.. I called a meeting with the rest of my Guilds officers and our current leader (for an Imperial Guild we were surprisingly diplomatic.. we elected a new guild leader every 2 months) and set a plan in motion..
we knew every other Saturday they all met in their "Capital" (one of their largest player cities.. they had a few), would drive to Mos Espa Starport and then go to the space PvP area for the evening, so we built our plan around that..
I had contacted the leaders and officers of most other notable Empire and Neutral Guilds, and they agreed to help us because the guy had been harassing their members to..
to start, I began a quick search of their city.. making note of all the player houses that didn't have locked doors..
then came the day of the "Operation".. first, we gathered all the most skilled in ground PvP players we had available (cherry picked from a total of 4 different Imperial Guilds) and had them hide inside the unlocked houses in the targets Capital and dubbed them "team 1".. as soon as the enemy all arrived in their city, they poured out upon the unsuspecting like a plague of locusts..
they tried to fight us off at first, but then went screw it and just ran for the Espa starport.. sadly, when they arrived at the space PvP zone as they had originally intended, "team 2" was waiting for them.. 4 Imperial Guilds worth of Tie Advanceds, Aggressors, Interceptors, and Oppressors.. along with 2 Guilds worth of Freelance YT-1300s, Rihkxyrk, Ixiyen, and Kihraxz providing reinforcement.. all ships were built and supplied by me personally at my own expense, and heavily armed with the best tech I could craft for each pilots pilot level (drained my bank, but I was able to make it back from my droid and ship shop after a few months)
needless to say, we slaughtered their fleet and the amount they likely had to spend on repairs would have been quite high..
the same officer in that guild I had tried to contact before sent me a PM heavily laced in profanity wanting to know what was going on..
I had told him that we tried to tell him that their member had been harassing people, and that this alliance the sight of which our server had never seen was brought together because of that.. I then sent him a message just saying "see, being harassed all the time isn't very fun is it?" and called off the fleet..
next time I saw the guy who had been harassing everyone, he was guildless in Coronet begging people to let him join their guild.. after that day, every guild on that server began to take player harassment by their members much more seriously..