Little more lighthearted of a topic here.
ESO character models. What are your most and least favorite things about them? The changes from other versions in other games.
My least favorite thing would have to be the loss of the ridges in the brow on mer. A lot of people found these "ugly" in Skyrim, but they were there in Morrowind and made the races more their own. Oblivion's portrayal of mer was just... disturbing imo.
My most favorite? Khajiit and Argonian tails.
Skyrim had this really *really* big problem with stiff as a board tails. And not just the clipping through armor. Take a meterstick. Tape it to your backside. There's your tail. Flops side to side a little bit when you run, looks great when it's sticking out and you're sneaking... but rigid and stiff as nails every other time.
ESO fixed that. /yay
You guys?