So what's a motto you live by or find it reveals a kernel of truth about the world?
"Anything is possible but nothing is certain."
So what's a motto you live by or find it reveals a kernel of truth about the world?
"Anything is possible but nothing is certain."
Why put off to tomorrow what you can not do at all.
This is one of my guiding mottos too, though I phrase it differently: "Never put off for tomorrow what can be postponed indefinitely."
Another: "A bachelor's a man who never makes the same mistake once."
Not one of my own mottos but that of a long ago acquaintance. "It's all mind of matter. If you don't mind, then it doesn't matter."
Nothing is ever easy
Some of you might know where I got that one from.
"Your assassin arrives with a smile and a handshake."
I am also very fond of:
"I am a veritable bundle of happy apprehension."
My mother would say if I objected to playing outside
because it was wet:
"Children are waterproof."
"Don't start nothing, won't be nothing."
Dunno, really. "Woke up this morning, I woke up yesterday too" seems to be enough for me, as long as it continues to be the case at least.
It's certainly better than "if a job's worth doing, it's worth putting off until the last minute and then making a complete mess of it and trying to excuse it with 'the dog ate my homework', and then staying up 'til 3am to do the job I was supposed to do yesterday and a whole load of other random stuff because I drank too much coffee." But that doesn't really roll off the tongue.
"Live and let live".
"Waste not want not".
"To each their own"
"Life's a [censored]"!
"Love your neighbour as you love yourself." (2 out of 3 of my neighbours are awesome!)
Pick one, or all, depending on the day.
It changes with the times or my mood, its usually in my sig.
"Ahh, peace and solitude" or alternatively "Thank god there are no people around".
Does it come with cheese?
Would probably be the only real motto I have, I don't really live by any such things, I just live because I exist and plan to thoroughly enjoy myself in the way that pleases me the most.
"Be an active participant in your life, not a spectator"