I'm going to ditch my current jack for a mage. It will be a no-armor no-weapons cloth mage. Race will be Nord. Only race I like. I could care less for start skills and racial abilities. Since magic is formed the way it is, I'll play on adept.
Probably some kind of orc.
Or I may actually use the character I made just to see how ugly I could make a character. No matter what, it will be a semi-violent kind of character with no or slim chances of getting friends. I hope the orc strongholds will let him in though.
Doesn't matter how you make your Orc. As long as you're an Orc, they'll let you in Even city-Orcs.
Every character i make uses bows, so it's safe to assume it will be an archer of some type. I get motion sickness from swinging swords and quests tend to become thin on the ground when it comes to magic.
Making a Nord Pirate. Will take out the Argon with the Seadog outfit and will down load the Flintlock Pistol mod. He will use only a 1h sword and will focus mainly on Rogue skills. I will max out his Speechcraft skill as well. Going to make him a Capt Jack Sparrow type. Should be fun to RP with I think!
Will go along nicely with my Bounty Killer and Warrior Priest builds. Have fun, RP and drink hard!
How about an arcane archer? Basically a mage with bound bow. It could work well unless you're the type of person who smiths it to 800+ damage, then enchants it with enchant potions and then applies some super high damage poison so you can one shot everything on legendary.
A fully perked bound bow does as much damage as a daedric bow with daedric arrows and it casts soul trap, turn undead and banish every hit.
I will probably make him half-criminal so he might get problems with his own people too... I will not do quests with him I think, just have something to mess around with!
I might try a warrior/tank, simply because I've never tried that before. It's always been sneak, magic, or ranged.
Just don't have a heart attack when you discover all the beauty mods you can download, lol.
Sword and board (or war axe and board) style warriors are undoubtedly the best tanks there are. Twohanders are nice too but a lot less versatile if you like healing yourself with restoration. I have a strong dislike against dual wielders because I want some form of blocking when playing a meleer.
Nah, I only smith to the level I'm currently at and don't use alchemy other than to make some cash early doors. The only time my smithing is boosted is if i happen to find something with say 17% better smithing or something like that. I only use enchantments i find and if i find a near identical item, it gets broken up and used on another piece of gear if i need a little bit more power. I'm currently lvl 60, still using an Elven bow which is currently at 72 damage.
Argonian dagger assassin and master poisoner. No armor, just a fancy robe to emphasize the freakyness.
I am thinking of going with a male Dunmer, as a pure mage, with the exception of using a bow at times. It'll be my first Elven character and my first pure mage. I'm normally more of a heavy-hitting warrior guy, but this sounds interesting to me. Not into the specifics yet, such as name, his backstory, ect.
With Archery perks, you can one shot anything with that.
Always a sorceress. Maybe this time one who will use a 2-handed weapon. But first I have to finish the character I got. She is now level 61 and just starting Dawnguard, then will go to Dragonborn, then the civil war and then Alduin. Then a new character.
Just don't rush into battles like a warrior would and you'll do just fine.
I kinda always end up with the brute force approach. Smash with a sword or shield type build.
My next build will probably be no different. though I plan to do the play through with daedric items only.
But my current build is about as pure illusion as I can get. Calm, Fury and Fear. She does use a dagger but thats as far as weapons go. Stealth and illusion all the way. An occasional use of destruction magic on the side.
Atm I'm a drug addicted "High" elf who sneaks up on everything and kills with an iron dagger.
My other character is gonna be a little spoiled princess type character who uses illusion and has a follower do her bidding. She's gonna be a Breton (I svck at RP-ing btw).
Sounds like a good RPing start to me. My daughter made me make her a 'Princess' Mage who wears a tiara, and a pretty gold neckless and a beautiful dress. Its all what you get out of it
I have no idea! I'm playing an archer right now and before this I had a mage, but she didn't last very long. So I'm thinking it will be either a one or two handed warrior. But I'd like to play a Khajiit as well, though I'm not sure what kind of story I can make up (maybe a caravan guard). But I think Khajiits should be stealthy, and I'm playing a stealth character right now. Then again, a Khajiit who is the opposite of what people would expect would also be kind of cool
Thanks for the tip. I'll keep that in mind.
If Kharjo can be a successfull Khajiit warrior, so can you. You can pretty much justify any choice. You can even (as crazy as it sounds) justify a high elf fighting for the Stormcloaks. It's ALL in your imagination, and you're not gonna let anyone rule over your immagination, right? You wanna play as something? Go right ahead.
Oh and another tip. Two meat shield dremora lords is awesome.
Probably not anytime soon. I finally unplugged my xbox360 so i can try to force myself to either play Xbox One or league of lulz (just now got it so does that count as a new character?)