Because in my term of fantasy characters don't die from a slash or two, and some even survive a sword through the gut. The combat still looks fun though

I don't like that video either - animations aside, it looks way too "Twitch" to me. I also don't like most of the combat overhauls for Skyrim. Combat in RPGs is about resource management, and I prefer it when it's like that instead of a fast-paced "One screwup can get you killed" as it seems in that Kingdom Come video, and most of the high-lethality mods for Skyrim.
As for archery - if we get a Cone of Fire instead of the On-Target approach, can we also get aim-assist and auto-targeting? Why can my master archer not hit a flying dragon, side-walking opponent, running deer, or distant bandit with any regularity?
I actually do like Skyrim's combat system more than most alternatives, because it's slower and more drawn out through the HP and attrition.
Oblivion was too far in the other direction, though. But that's because damage was ridiculously low.
I prefer more flamboyance in my fantasy, just like the armor and weaponry.