Dunmer did it. Everyone sure loves them. If the Forsworn want it, they're free to take it, like Ulfric did.
Dunmer did it. Everyone sure loves them. If the Forsworn want it, they're free to take it, like Ulfric did.
I'm sure they don't, but I don't see too many people condemning them for it. As for the Forsworn, maybe during the next great war, but not while its populated. Even if they do, there's no way they can keep it, they're sandwiched between nations that all hate them. It's like Orsinium all over again.
How are they going to take a walled city though fully guarded and filled with men? I can't even see them laying siege, its too populated. As for the civil war, Galmar and Ulfric's dialogue makes it seem that most people in Skyrim are undecided, still waiting to see who to join, and both sides are undersupported. So not much manpower's really lost in Skyrim. This is a land where almost everyone at least knows the basics of swordplay because their land is dangerous. That and the Dragonborn ends the war quickly. At least it seems that way, though the devs could say it lasted longer, since there's still remnants of the other side later. Who knows.
Anyway, it's possible, but I wouldn't call it probable, personally. Especially not holding it. Stormcloaks or Empire, I don't see either of them letting them keep it. Not forever.
That's before you know who dies.
They're only unsupported fully while the two parties are fighting. After one wins, there's only one side to join.
I voted for horny headgear. While I think that they were wrongfully treated, I make no hesitation to put them down because they svck.
Guess we'll just have to wait and see which is canon then, though even with all that, it seems unlikely what amounts to basically terrorists can take an entire hold of Skyrim, one of the most important ones due to the Silver mines, without the distraction of a Great War. If they could, why not during the civil war when they're distracted and losing numbers compared to when they're bolstering their numbers after the fact?
Those operatives are there in part
Which is something Nords excel at. Not that this does much good against taking a city. You don't guerrilla warfare your way into a fortified large soldier filled city. Even if they infiltrated a few numbers in again, the last time only worked because as Celan said, it was backed by Silver-Bloods.
They're easy kills, many in one place, owners of good lightweight loot. They're on par with bandits in my fun-to-kill list.
The Forsworn are savage bandits with an affinity to the Reach. Doesn't matter how you dress them, they're just a binch of savages who deserve to scrabble in the dirt like animals. If it were me, I'd enslave them all and force them to mine the very silver mines of the Reach. If it's their land, they can spill blood, sweat and tears to work it.
Anyone who chose option 1 have obviously not done any forsworn quests. They are the oppressed ones.
What are you saying?
All of Skyrim belongs to the Nords. Parts of Highrock and Morrowind should also be under the Nords dominion. The Nords are the single true rulers of Tamriel, and when Ulfric liberates Skyrim from the oppressive Empire, they will drive the Elves out and hopefully begin the long road to domination as they rightfully deserve.
Well then you belong with the rest of the rabble below Markarth, or outside the walls with Khajiit Caravans.
It's blasphemous to even have the Elves in Skyrim.
Excel at guerrilla warfare, and this isn't vietnam. They're not going to get a force big enough in there to take the city. Especially when the guards would be looking out for that. They've only managed a handful of people with inside support.