1: the name of the faction
2: the leader/ leaders
3:The followers or people that is in/ supports the faction.
4: thier allies.
5: thier enemies. (atleast one)
6:The location
7: the history of the faction
8: The era of the faction.
9: If it takes place in the same time and province of a Elder scrolls game make up some quests you could do for it.
Here is my faction.
1: the Darkelf ressistance.
2:it is lead by a dark elf who name is unknown
3: Mainley the decendants of the refugees from the argonian invasion of Morrowind
4: No allies. They think they can defeat the lizards by themselves
5: The argonian ocupation force of morrowind
6: They fight in Morrowind but the main HQ is hidden in the The mountains of Eastern Cyrodil.
7: They were formed 4 years after the Argonians have taken Morrowind. They use Gorrila warfare. They were known to die to the last man and hope they can retake morrowind and rebuildwhat was destroy by the foreighn invadors.
8: it exists during the 4th era.
Well What's your faction?