S - 4 (I do workout, but have been slacking. :rofl:)
P - 8 (I am farsighted, but I am still very perceptive.

E - 7 (I am very hardy, and have been told I have exemplary fortitude.)
C - 2 ( I am usually VERY shy. :rofl: So I'm not really charismatic.)
I - 9 (Not bragging here. I am very intelligent...when I'm not playing the fool [which I do 90% of the time.])
A - 7 (Am able to move very nimbly and fastly despite my physique.

L - 1 (Not lucky at all :rofl:)
Barter - 10
Energy Weapons - 75
Explosives - 75
Guns - 100
Lockpick - 0
Medicine - 10
Melee Weapons - 50
Repair - 60
Science - 75
Sneak - 100
Speech - 10
Survival - 65
Unarmed - 5
Traits - Four Eyes, Trigger Discipline.