» Sun Aug 08, 2010 11:53 am
I started a new FO3 character, trying to make a "perfect build", my last character was almost there but was short on one stat, by about 25 points and I didn't really pay attention to the DR based perks like Cyborg so also I'll try to max the "natural" DR on the next build. I was contemplating having a go at my backlog of games.
I still have to start Bioshock and I still have to finish GTA IV. I was mostly through the first 2 islands, then trophy support came out for the PS3 and I started a new character, but I didn't go to far with it since I got the FO3 DLCs for the PS3 and went back to playing that. I may just hold out with FO3 until FONV comes out, well OK that and a few random skirmishes in Fat Princess, that game is pretty addicting too... =p