Your Questions to Todd Howard or Bethesda in General

Post » Fri May 06, 2011 5:22 am

01. Can we ride Dragons or have a Spell to let us ride a Dragon.

02. Can we Murder someone and not have psyhcic Guards know about it, even when i do it 5 Yards away that wont have Every City or Town know I did it. Whwn i Murder someone Allone in a Forest or in a House, i dont want some Family Member to come for Revenge unless He has Proof I Dit It.

03. Can we sit on a Horse and fight with a Sword or shoot with a Bow and Arrow.

04. Can we put some Insults to Robbers when they try to rob you and yet they have Armor and Weapons that makes them Richer then Kings.

05. Can we give a Gold Coin to a Beggar that will make him rich enough to not let him stand their the next day and beg, he should practically own a House by now.

06. Will our Character be Effected by the Weather, why should i be half naked and jump in a Icy River and still feel like its a Summer Breeze.

07. When we kill someone, will his Body start to decay everyday and will someone eventually pick up the rotting corpse and dispose of it.

08. After i become the Leader of a Faction, can i tell my Next in Command to take the Job so i can be Completly Free from them, even if that means i wont get paid, but if i decide to get back, i must do something so i can be the Leader again.

09. Could you guys ditch the Difficulty Settings and have the Game be Easy Medium Hard on its Own.

10. Please let us Not hit someone in the Arm or Foot or Leg and have him Die of it, Only when we hit him in the Stomach or Head should be reasonable, atleast have him limp or hold his arm.

11. Will Invisibility have meaning this time, because i bump in someone or Steal something or Kill someone or Walk/Sneak past someone and they Still See Me.

12. Just for Randomness: if you guys could, would you make a Lord of the Rings RPG Game.

13. In Oblivion, we went through the Game and Main Quests while building up our Character and helping Martin Septim beat Mehrun Dagon, yet Martin just changed into a Dragon and Defeated the Dark Lord in 10 Seconds while afterwards, i felt Cheated to work about 80 Hours or more through the Game just to watch some Minor Dude Beat the Boss while im being Crowned as the Hero of Cyrodill for doing Absolutly NOTHING, what reasurance do we have in Skyrim that I will be the one Defeating Alduin instead of some Minor Dude doing the work for me.

14. My First Game was Oblivion, so im not that familier wth all these Deadric stuff and ive heard there are still allot of Deadric Princes like Sheogorath, will there be Another DLC Deadric Prince Add-on after Skyrim.

15. Can we expect Another DLC Add-on like Knights of the Nine.

16. The Little DLC's you guys Released as we were Forced to Pay and yet Fighters Fortress were Free, will the Next Small DLC Packs be Free as if any Modern Modder created it.

17. Just for Randomness: if you guys could, would you Remake the First Three Elderscroll Games and or just make a Voice Pack for Morrowind.

18. Why did Kvatch Burn forever, why was it never fixed In-game or a Patch, there was also a Magic Shop in Bruma that did the same, could that Never happen again for Skyrim please.

19. Will there be Loading Areas every 10 steps as you walk along the Path, or will it be like Just Cause 2 with One Giant Open World that has No Loading Areas, except for entering a Building by going through a door of course.

20. After the Main Quest is done and im Done with the Game, will Dragons and Giants and Beasts Re-spawn and will their Enemies and Monsters Re-spawn in Caves and Dungeons again, i really Dont want to wander around an Empty Land.

21. Just for Randomness: When we level up our Archery Skill, could it be possible for us to shoot with 2 Arrows at once.

22. Just for Randomness: Why has Skyrim been set 200 Years after Oblivion, why not 50 Years and has previous Elderscroll Games also been set apart so far into the Future.

23. Will there be Dragons Only in the Main Quest or will they be around when i start the Game, the reason im asking is, there were Deadric Creatures in Oblivion while i was Leveling up my Character and yet we were told that they would Only appear throughout the Main Quest when Oblivion Gates started to open up.

24. I read that we will chop trees and Cook and help build a Windmill or something, does this mean we can build our Own House at our Chosen Location in Skyrim, wether its High on a Snowy Mountain or right next to a Dragon Cave.

25. I read there will be Children in Skyrim, please Dont let us Kill them and will there be Cats and Dogs.

26. Please allow a setting for None Violence so it could be for People that Dont like exsessive Blood or Mutilating Body Parts and Please No Swearing what so ever, it Doesent fit in a Elderscroll Game.

27. Could we have Armor and Clothes Stands For Sale in Shops so we can use them in our Homes, they should be Available for PC/PS3Xbox

28. When we have Quest Activities, please Dont make it obvious by Directing us Straight to it and please let Us Discover Ruins and Forts without them being pointed out to us, we want to Explore and use our brain. Technically speaking, Drop us in the Game and run away by saying, you're on your Dude.

29. Are their any Member Mods from Oblivion generated into Skyrim, in other words, what Mods from Members did you put into Skyrim.

30. Will the Game be Heavy on Graphics and what are the Maximum PC Requirements, since i Dont have the Money to Constintly Upgrade my PC. practically Every 6 Months.

31. Will Taverns be More Alive, wether its People Singing or pick a Bar Fight.

32. Will there be Real Concequenses for your actions, because why Steal or Murder someone just to be set off to Jail and sleep it off, yet im back on the street with a few mean looks and all i have to do is make Nice Conversations and Everyone is My Friend again.

33. I Hate MMO Games, Please let Skyrim atleast be Multiplayer with Single Player Offline Mode, but Never MMO.

34. Could we have Sparring Fights with Wooden Weapons in a Fighters Guild for Skill Leveling or Punch eachother with Hand to Hand, obviously Nobody should die or be knocked out until you yield or walk away.

By Tdroid
1: Can we see the skill-list?
2: Can we see the perk-list?
3: Is it random faction-quests that you can do indefinite in addition to the quest-line?
4: Can you release some concept art of weapons and armor?
5: Are the races finished? If they are, can we see them?
6: Can you make sure to NOT release any more of the story?

By Jim Hawkens
0) Can I pull Khajiit and Argonian's tails?
0.01) Did you change the quest update system?

By Enahs
How advanced is the weather system? Will there be powerful storms, perhaps with random lighting?

What kind of environments are destructible?

Will there be any size or skill variety when it comes to enemies, or will every common enemy still hold the exact same size and skill level?

By Infernal
1. Will we have more armor/clothing slots than in oblivion?
2. Will dual wielding render you unable to block?
3. Will the PC have a more mouse and keyboard focused UI?
4. Will there be hand placed unique items in the world`?

By Jolly Good
Is security a skill and NOT fused with stealth

By Gabriel77dan

01 Will there be real dialogue or will there be topic dialogue?
02 Will quests have various solutions varying from black, white and gray?

By UndeCafIndeed
Have you tuned up the RPG mechanics (more important skills and stats - and generally more complexity and characterdrivenness to the game)?

Choices and consequences? Both in quests and characterbuilding/progression. Will there be any?

Multipath multisolution quests? Will there be any?

By Hicks223
1. What's the learning curve for the editor like compared to the previous construction sets?
2. Is Steam going to be a mandatory requirement?
3. Any chance there'll be a donkey in Skyrim?

By Warkha666
what factions will be in?

can we see some more on the combat system?

will there just be the one dragon, the wyvern looking one, or will there be multiple dragons? ( i know todd said in an interview that there would be different dragons i just want to know what kinds)

can we see the new radiant A.I./story in action?

what weapon/ armor classes will there be?

By ElderscrollsV2011
will all dragons breath fire (i hope not!)? will there be frost breathing dragons?

is skyrims fast traveling system going to be similar to dragon age: origins?

will capes/cloaks be available to the player character?

By Quo Vadis
Can we see a dragon vs dragon fight?

How much have you thought about including a paid transport system like in Morrowind?

Can we join the 'evil' side in the main quest?

Can we choose our voice from a list like in NwN?

A high speechcraft opens new dialogue lines?

Do you think the cave entrances in New Vegas are better than standard doors?

Can our mounts have inventory(saddlebags?)

Are the guards going to know what we just did miles away?

By Lousic
1) Destructible evironments?
2) Mounts?
3) Non-quest specific (generic) enemies respawn in dungeons?
4) sea creatures?
5) Mini-games?
6) More items than oblivion?

By The Terror Of Death
1. What was the core idea behind Skyrim?
2. The changes to the races and how unique they are, What was the idea behind it?
3. How hard was it to make the Dragons and how do they move on the map?
4. In development time from 2006 to the end of 2008 what was done game development wise?
5. How much power does Todd have, and if someone has an idea does it get put up to a vote when there is a meeting.

By Golliath9
1. can we build actual relationships with characters?
2. will eating and strength effect our appearance?
3. will we die if we dont eat or drink?
4. can we sever heads?
5. are dragons infinite?
6. can we fight much outside of dungeons or is it once again all indoors?

By Melee2kil
1 Can you make your own arrows/bows?
2 Are there any other non agressive creatures like deers from Oblivion?
3 Is there any way possible to do a Barrel Roll? ( If yes, the will be 10x better)

By Doom Black Dragon
First will I be able to play it on XP?
Second how will the quest system work? Is this going be a exploring roleplaying heavy game like Daggerfall and morrowind or will it be my character is like a god knowing all info about the quest and just flys over there as in oblivion?

By MouseMage
My question is mainly about magic: What sort of interesting magics will we see, now that the game is run on a fully in-house developed engine? I know they found a way to make things fly even on Oblivion's engine (See fallout 3 eyebots), so will we now be able to levitate again? And what about NPCs, can they do the levitating too?

Will the game have dynamic seasons that are obviously dynamic as far as weather patterns go? How will the new AI system monitor gamewide NPC interactions? Can things happen to NPCs (like being robbed or assassinated) without the player being involved and without a set quest where that will happen?

I dont mind invisible border walls, but will Bethesda be putting in any pointless invisible walls? There are a few exterior locations in the Oblivion game where an invisible wall seperates you from two chunks of traversible land.

What improvements have been made to AI Pathing we saw in Oblivion? There are numerous creatures in the game that you can trick into stalling; this mainly happens for flying things when they move to a ledge that is too high for them and since they are 'floating' they cant jump it. (because they're not really floating.) Are we going to see more dynamic traffic from one place to the next? What measures have been taken to assure there are no AI logic collapses? Like, someone on a schedule who comes into town, but was late for another required action and so who immediatly leave again.

A major AI fluke is found in the first Anvil fighter's guild quest. Quillweave is clairvoyant and if you are out there, she will not reliably go to her "placing the meat" routine, instead wandering back and forth and having random conversations. What steps will be taken to prevent this huge and unfun delay?

By mt_pelion
Query: By level 19 will all enemies be wearing full suits of the best armor and wielding the best weapons?

By Kicenna
Would it be possible for the female players to get a look at the game armor before release? Lots of women play too. Thanks.

By Ararvyn Giralvel
1. The Dunmer were forced to Solstheim after the Argonian Invasion after the Oblivion Crisis. Will this mean less of the race in the Game World, that they are dying out? Or will the Dunmer resurface strong?
2. Will we have the option to make the game non-linear, even to the point of choosing if we want to not get the first 'Epic' quest. I.e., choice #1 leads to Dragonborn. Choice #2 leads to normal life, no epic quests.
3. Will werewolves (bloodmoon style) and Vampies return?

By Rabcor
Will there be hardcoe mode and if there will be will hardcoe mode remove illogical fast travel from the game (like clicking on the map and just randomly appearing in a targetted city)

Will there be a toggle option for enableing/disableing fast travel when you press new game?

By Madcat124
I want to know about armor slots and whether they're more like Oblivion's or Morrowind's (separate shoulders and gloved)

By Userfriendly169
Is it easier to save and manage multiple character files? In previous TES games, it was always hard to have multiple characters because the save files would be all mixed up.

By Trombean
Exactly how violent will the finishing moves be? Any chance there will be decapitations?
Will NPC's be able to perform finishing moves on the player?

By Veryk
1:mounted combat?
2:bigger weapon variety? like same damage different look
3:3rd person archery a viable way to play?
4:will all people of the same race and gender have the EXACT SAME voice?
5:Let us become a Lich
6:Full fledged vampire clans?
7:Will my character have his own voice?
8:Customize our armor that we make? If i am a armorsmith i should be able to choose from a list of design's. Say i make the best available armor of say Daedric stats but look like iron,is what im thinking
9:Visible control over a faction that you are leader of,not just a weekly stipend

By mt_pelion
How will Crime and Punishment work in Skyrim?

Example: In Oblivion, some NPCs would steal in broad daylight, get caught by the guards, and then beaten upon for a few minutes until they died. I love the whole "random NPC commits crime" aspect, but I hated the fact that no one ever went to jail unless a quest sent them there and instead was beaten to death in the street for taking an apple.

I also hated the fact that if you committed a crime and were spotted, every guard in the entire province knew about it. Will the Crime and Punishment aspect of the game be updated/corrected for both NPCs and PCs?

By Denton
-will there be any way to run from a dragon? If I try to flee, will it hunt me all over the map or at some point it will quit? can I lure a dragon to kill other beasts or people in a village?
-are animals hostile to their own? For example you talked about the wolves pack territorial behaviour, what if they find another wolf while hunting, will they attack each other? What about dragon vs dragon, is it possible?
-is there a chance to join the "evil" side, at least for a while, inside the main quest?

By Cuixihhuitl
Why are spears two handed? I cannot right punch a hostile with a two handed spear

In skyrim, are we gonna get indivitual clothing/armor items
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Post » Fri May 06, 2011 6:47 am

1: Can we see the skill-list?
2: Can we see the perk-list?
3: Is it random faction-quests that you can do indefinite in addition to the quest-line?
4: Can you release some concept art of weapons and armor?
5: Are the races finished? If they are, can we see them?
6: Can you make sure to NOT release any more of the story?

Can't think of any more right now :D
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Post » Fri May 06, 2011 1:52 pm

Invite ONLY drop in drop out co op s DLC? I'd pay $40 for that DLC if I could bring my character to my friends game, obtin items and level up. Help him on quests and through caves/forts. Take a spin off borderlands when someone joins, beef up the baddies a bit.
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Marcin Tomkow
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Post » Fri May 06, 2011 7:15 am

0) Can I pull Khajiit and Argonian's tails?

0.01) Did you change the quest update system?
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Alkira rose Nankivell
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Post » Fri May 06, 2011 9:21 am

How advanced is the weather system? Will there be powerful storms, perhaps with random lighting?

What kind of environments are destructible?

Will there be any size or skill variety when it comes to enemies, or will every common enemy still hold the exact same size and skill level?
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SWagg KId
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Post » Fri May 06, 2011 5:30 pm

Um... do you expect them to make this sticky and for the devs to read it and answer the questions? Because I doubt that will happen.
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Post » Fri May 06, 2011 4:10 am

Can I use the Apple style UI without problems, seeing as how it took me 15 minutes to find the volume on an iPod last night.
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Post » Fri May 06, 2011 4:42 pm

Um... do you expect them to make this sticky and for the devs to read it and answer the questions? Because I doubt that will happen.
I suppose there are Bethesda Spies that will look upon this Thread and eventually have our Questions Answered :P
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Post » Fri May 06, 2011 10:49 am

Multiple endings or linear story?
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Post » Fri May 06, 2011 5:16 pm

I suppose there are Bethesda Spies that will look upon this Thread and eventually have our Questions Answered :P

They have created "ask the devs" threads, (though not sticky) but you can only ask them about non-Skyrim things. They're revealing info strategically as part of their marketing strategy. At best they answer a few minor questions on Twitter.
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Kevin Jay
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Post » Fri May 06, 2011 8:25 am

Um... do you expect them to make this sticky and for the devs to read it and answer the questions? Because I doubt that will happen.

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Jennifer Rose
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Post » Fri May 06, 2011 3:08 pm

1. Will we have more armor/clothing slots than in oblivion?

2. Will dual wielding render you unable to block?

3. Will the PC have a more mouse and keyboard focused UI?

4. Will there be hand placed unique items in the world`?
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Post » Fri May 06, 2011 9:29 am

Is security a skill and NOT fused with stealth
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Alexandra Louise Taylor
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Post » Fri May 06, 2011 5:52 am

I suppose its too early and it would be much better near June when the E3 Expo arrives, but what would your Questions be about Skyrim.

01. Can we ride Dragons or have a Spell to let us ride a Dragon.

02. Can we Murder someone and not have psyhcic Guards know about it, even when i do it 5 Yards away that wont have Every City or Town know I did it.

03. Can we sit on a Horse and fight with a Sword or shoot with a Bow and Arrow.

04. Can we put some Insults to Robbers when they try to rob you and yet they have Armor and Weapons that makes them Richer then Kings.

05. Can we give a Gold Coin to a Beggar that will make him rich enough to not let him stand their the next day and beg, he should practically own a House by now.

06. Will our Character be Effected by the Weather, why should i be half naked and jump in a Icy River and still feel like its a Summer Breeze.

07. When we kill someone, will his Body start to decay everyday and will someone eventually pick up the rotting corpse and dispose of it.

08. After i become the Leader of a Faction, can i tell my Next in Command to take the Job so i can be Completly Free from them, even if that means i wont get paid, but if i decide to get back, i must do something so i can be the Leader again.

09. Could you guys ditch the Difficulty Settings and have the Game be Easy Medium Hard on its Own.

10. Please let us Not hit someone in the Arm or Foot or Leg and have him Die of it, Only when we hit him in the Stomach or Head should be reasonable, atleast have him limp or hold his arm.

11. Will Invisibility have meaning this time, because i bump in someone or Steal something or Kill someone or Walk/Sneak past someone and they Still See Me.

We are 8 months minus 3 days away from official release.

Midway we have E3. So let's do the math:

3 months till E3. I predict new disclosure roughly in mid April, a demo at E3, full hands-on previews on major mags in early September.

I'm cool with that.
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Post » Fri May 06, 2011 9:55 am

Well atleast let them watch this Thread in Silence and then Surprise us through Previews and Magazines until Skyrim is Released.
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Post » Fri May 06, 2011 7:00 pm

01 Will there be real dialogue or will there be topic dialogue?
02 Will quests have various solutions varying from black, white and gray?
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Laura Elizabeth
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Post » Fri May 06, 2011 5:32 am

They have created "ask the devs" threads, (though not sticky) but you can only ask them about non-Skyrim things. They're revealing info strategically as part of their marketing strategy. At best they answer a few minor questions on Twitter.

Actually, they have answered questions in threads like these previously, both before Oblivion and Shivering Isles came out, and possibly Morrowind as well (?), although I wasn't here at the time so someone else will have to fill in about that. These Fan Interviews ( were put up by beth in advance iirc though, with them asking us for our questions when they felt it was time for it, and answered quite a bit of the most common questions of the forums. If there's anyone around who can remember how long in advance this was done for Oblivion for example we could hopefully have an estimate of when to expect it ^^
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Post » Fri May 06, 2011 4:53 pm

Have you tuned up the RPG mechanics (more important skills and stats - and generally more complexity and characterdrivenness to the game)?

Choices and consequences? Both in quests and characterbuilding/progression. Will there be any?

Multipath multisolution quests? Will there be any?
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TRIsha FEnnesse
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Post » Fri May 06, 2011 8:48 am

1. What's the learning curve for the editor like compared to the previous construction sets?
2. Is Steam going to be a mandatory requirement?
3. Any chance there'll be a donkey in Skyrim?
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Emily Shackleton
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Post » Fri May 06, 2011 12:01 pm

Actually, they have answered questions in threads like these previously, both before Oblivion and Shivering Isles came out, and possibly Morrowind as well (?), although I wasn't here at the time so someone else will have to fill in about that. These Fan Interviews ( were put up by beth in advance iirc though, with them asking us for our questions when they felt it was time for it, and answered quite a bit of the most common questions of the forums. If there's anyone around who can remember how long in advance this was done for Oblivion for example we could hopefully have an estimate of when to expect it ^^
Awsome, thanks for that :D
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Sebrina Johnstone
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Post » Fri May 06, 2011 3:28 pm

what factions will be in?

can we see some more on the combat system?

will there just be the one dragon, the wyvern looking one, or will there be multiple dragons? ( i know todd said in an interview that there would be different dragons i just want to know what kinds)

can we see the new radiant A.I./story in action?

what weapon/ armor classes will there be?

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Jonathan Braz
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Post » Fri May 06, 2011 4:49 pm

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luis dejesus
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Post » Fri May 06, 2011 9:35 pm

My only question:

Any chance I can get a job at Bethesda? I don't mind getting the morning coffee for everyone.
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Dorian Cozens
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Post » Fri May 06, 2011 10:34 am

will all dragons breath fire (i hope not!)? will there be frost breathing dragons?

is skyrims fast traveling system going to be similar to dragon age: origins?

will capes/cloaks be available to the player character?
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Post » Fri May 06, 2011 6:09 am

Did Morrowind turn out that great on accident?


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