Your Scariest Moment

Post » Tue May 17, 2011 5:53 am

I have two... The on my second playthrough I was wandering around and ended up near Reilly's Rangers base without even finding Underworld... at level 4.

I was pretty well equiped (like 15 grenades and 80 assault rifle rounds) but I was being corned by three or four supermutant masters and had to go into the back of a nuka cola truck that had the exploding stroller. I survived, without any more ammo, no more drugs, and two dashes of health.

The other time was when I came across that baseball field near Big Town. I was walking up to it thinking' oh it looks just like the field I played at as a kid. I was level 2 on my first playthrough and still didn't understand how the compass thing worked so I was supprised when I got closer with the bodies suspneded from the fence and the raiders trying to kill me.

I have never gone into the Dunwich Building, after my friend told me how he had nightmares about the place two months after he went the I never had the guts to go in... I will some day though.

Edit: Also when I first went to Andale, I played through it perfectly without knowing what the place was all about. My friend told me to talk to the families, then the grandpa, then look in the basemant. I still get creeped out when I think about it. Plus I played it at midnight with all of the lights off and the TV as loud as it can go without the danger of blowing the speakers.
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kat no x
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 10:34 am

Thanks everyone! I think...

Anyway I finished Dunwich Building in the broad daylight with lots of family around me so it was OK like that. But I don't think I will go back anytime soon and Bethesda did a great job making it scarier than the other ruins. I swear it was darker and had different noises! Plus I always find things based on Lovecraft stories really creepy for some reason...
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Nikki Morse
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 9:21 am

I also usually play this game late at night which adds to the effect, so that didn't help. I was in the sacred bog on point lookout. At some point, I decided I wanted out of that place so I just started running with the flamer, expecting to just take down any Mirelurks I came across, no big deal. But as I was running through, another enemy appeared on the radar around the corner, so I charge in. But to my surprise, it was no ordinary Mirelurk, and I came face to face with a Swamplurk, which are creepy enough already, (also the first time I had seen one), but when I blasted this thing with fire out of reaction, and ran back around the corner, which only made it worse. Now there was this giant, vampire-like thing, on fire, slowly walking around the corner, with its arms outstretched.
I took things a little slower from then on.
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Ridhwan Hemsome
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Post » Mon May 16, 2011 11:38 pm

mine was the first time I got hit from behind by the amazing elastic radscorpion, needless to say radscorp corpse at ? speed equals veryhard level 1 character death
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 3:50 am

Surprise scary moments can happen a lot in my game since I disabled the GPS compass.

First scary:
Was tracking a distance raider with my sniper rifle. My npc companaion said, "Look out!" I turned to see a huge Deathclaw about to dig its claws into me. Made me jump in real life.I didn`t survive.

Second scary:
Watching an armless Ghoul running straight at me in the tunnels. I know he`s armless, I know he can`t really do anything, but it`s just so damn freaky!
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john page
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 2:39 am

First time i went under the metro station, i heard the ghoul scream, then i walk further i hear running footsteps with quick breaths..look around..NOTHING :shocking:
Then i suddenly look back forward i see 3 ghouls right under my nose.. I fell of my freakin chair. Why is it allways you hear these ghouls and never see them.. Dang..

Next is MMM with increased spawns. those glowing ghoul eyes. just half a dozen of them chasing you as you are lvl2 that too with FWE
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Darlene Delk
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 1:49 am

People had nightmares about the Dunwich building?? I know it`s a little creepy and has atmosphere, but it never was that scary to me. I liked the bit where a door shut in front of me when no one was near. I thought at first it was ghoul, but no ghoul was near, so just assumed it was a bug. Then realised it must be a `scare` effect.

I even play alone at night in the dark.

But it`s just a game not real and certainly not worth having nightmares over. LOL. I`d stop playing any game if it gave me nightmares.

I guess working at guard duty in an old creepy warehouse alone at 2 am in real life toughened me. Now THAT`S scary.
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 3:25 pm

Scariest moment? the first time i used the cannibal perk. i almost puked.
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Post » Mon May 16, 2011 11:10 pm

The first time I did the Those! quest and opened the door to have the white coated egghead standing directly in front of the door, and me. (I was crouched low sneaking and right up against the door.)
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Daramis McGee
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 12:27 am

I never found the Dunwich building all that scary. Could be because I've always gone in there at a fairly high level. Ghouls aren't quite as scary anymore when you've got Sniper and Commando perks and can headshot them all before they get close. At least if you've got Silent Running so you always see them first.

I found the subways pretty creepy at low level though.
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Beulah Bell
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 8:22 am

I was just jamming in the wastelands, looking for locations minding my own business, when a normal rad scorpion came killed it fine, THEN BAM 2 giant rad scorpions came out of now where.. At this point i didn't even know they could be that big, i was such a low level, all i could do was run backwards and attempt to climb up rocks. they were chasing me like a mother [censored].....i was panicking so much, when i saw them. I was yelling at my boyfriend to help me.. he was not impressed.. [censored] was so scary :(

And i'm still scared of them..bastards.
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 3:36 am

Level 3 and Red Racer Factor = Bad mix.

Walked in to hear ghoul screeches, and 2 running at me, died, reloaded. Try 2, managed to kill the ghouls, ran straight through to reveal supermutants and
a mental guy and a glowing one called Stefan and The Surgeon

I was scared of ghouls from then on.

And scientists.
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sally coker
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 8:34 am

I was strolling through the wasteland, and saw this cute little teddy bear in an old shopping cart. So I take it. Then I heard something distressing behind me, and was even more distressed to see
A super-mutant behemoth!

I ran like crazy!
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Kat Lehmann
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 4:00 am

This past weekend i had a pretty creepy encounter with my level 18 character. He was at the Rad Racer factory and came across this ghostly phantomlike Feral Ghoul Reaver with a ghastly rotting visage who seemed nearly impossible to kill. If not for the one shot Gauss Rifle i picked up from the Anchorage DLC mission i would have been a goner.

What was really weird and unsettling besides its morbid facial appearance is how the Feral Ghoul Reaver did not seem to be quite..there. It was as if part of the things body had become ghostly and transperant. It was even going through the factory steel stair levels like a ghost, chasing me as i ran down the flights of stairs while it lobbed radioactive grenade type projectiles at me. If it had started doing a ghostly slow moaning sound i probably would have had nightmares later that night.

Dont know if the going through steel floors was a game glitch but it sure was spooky. Definitely a Vincent Price and Boris Karloff moment.
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Emily Jeffs
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 12:17 pm

I can't really say any one moment really freaked me out as I'm difficult to scare. My first play through I went right after dad and entered the metros underleveled and low on ammo. This produced a small freak out moment as I soon found my .10mm and .32mm pistols worthless. Switched to a shotgun I swiped from a raider and *boom* dead ghouls. So I left the metros, bought some shotgun ammo, and went back. I still keep a shotgun handy for whatever character I'm playing heh..

There is one thing that makes me a little twitchy though. When I'm wandering the wastes and hear explosions and gunfire but see nothing.
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Andrea P
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 2:10 pm

For me nothing beats the first time I entered Super-Duper Mart on my first playthrough. I felt so disgusted and horrified at the way Raiders live, all those poor wastelanders who were tortured and killed by Raiders and had their mutilated corpses hanging by meat hooks. Even the music as I explored the hideout made me feel scared. :cold:

It's amazing to think how I used to be so terrified of the Raiders considering they're one of the weakest human enemies in the game. :P

Me too!!! That is so funny, my boyfriend and I were literally just talking about this last week since I just started a new playthrough as an evil characher (my first one.) We both agreed that nothing tops the first ever trip to Super-Duper Mart.
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 3:22 pm

The 2nd scariest is a Reaver...any reaver. Those things still scare the Hell out of me. Give me Deathclaws all day long, but never a Reaver!!
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 1:16 pm

The 2nd scariest is a Reaver...any reaver. Those things still scare the Hell out of me. Give me Deathclaws all day long, but never a Reaver!!

Yea i met my first one this past weekend and mistakenly called it a Dread Ghoul in my last post. That was definitely a supernatural experiance. Nice to face an enemy as tough as it is horrific looking.

Another scary moment was exploring the Dunwich building. Since i play with the brightness all the way down to enhance the color all i could hear was the pitter patter of ghouls running around and the fast movements of shadows in the distance. Plenty of sudden close encounters there.

The Point Lookout DLC was pretty much a nonstop horror movie with scares left and right. Even the guy up in the mansion reminded me of Stephen King.
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 1:37 pm

About my 10th play-through.
Always encountered raiders in front of the superduper mart.

10mm pistol, baseball bat. Good to go.
Round the corner and WT*!? I stood nose to nose with a deathclaw.
well S***.

10 stimpacks later, deathclaw flings me OVER THE BUS.
So I backpedal and shoot the bus, 1 mushroom cloud later- no deathclaw.
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kyle pinchen
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 1:48 pm

About my 10th play-through.
Always encountered raiders in front of the superduper mart.

10mm pistol, baseball bat. Good to go.
Round the corner and WT*!? I stood nose to nose with a deathclaw.
well S***.

10 stimpacks later, deathclaw flings me OVER THE BUS.
So I backpedal and shoot the bus, 1 mushroom cloud later- no deathclaw.

Niceeee now thats pro.
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Jake Easom
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 2:53 am

Fighting a Deathclaw with just a 10mm pistol
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 11:36 am

Dunwich Building wasn't all that scary for me, but I'm also "that guy" when watching horror movies. "You'd be fine if you were packing enough heat" ect. I went in there in power armor and full condition laser rifle and pistol, backed up with Jing's shocksword at around level 19 or so.

"Yea, though I walk through the valley under the shadow of death, I shall fear no evil. Because I'm the scariest SoB in the whole valley."

Most unnerving for me was actually the Outcast base in Operation: Anchorage. Poor Olin :( Here she and McGraw wanted to repay the girl that put her ass on the line for them when she didn't have to. I was in full RP mode, and didn't intend to grab either the T51 or much else. I just wanted the stims, the Shocksword and the energy/MF cells.

Bastard Sibley. :verymad: Why was it unnerving? Because I can't fathom why someone would violently turn on their companions and sworn brothers over little more than over-glorified toys.
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carley moss
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 12:20 pm

The most scariest thing in fallout 3 for me was when i walked into the Megaton Saloon and seen Gob, He looked like a mutated half cat half Donkey :D
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darnell waddington
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 2:30 am

106 has to be the scariest moment for me I was trippen balls there
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 4:28 am

About my 10th play-through.
Always encountered raiders in front of the superduper mart.

10mm pistol, baseball bat. Good to go.
Round the corner and WT*!? I stood nose to nose with a deathclaw.
well S***.

10 stimpacks later, deathclaw flings me OVER THE BUS.
So I backpedal and shoot the bus, 1 mushroom cloud later- no deathclaw.

That position is a random encounter spot. When I first went there the encounter was the wastelanders fighting deathclaw one. Pretty soon it was just a deathclaw standing there ;)
As I was level 1 I left it alone, but went back the next day and there wasn't anything there, so I went inside the duper Mart, got out numbered and legged it outside - right into the now returned deathclaw!!!! Luckily it was fairly low on health due to the encounter, but it certainly made me jump.

I did some messing about there then and found that loading a save in front of the deserted mart made the deathclaw magically reappear, some sort of game glitch / developer trick no doubt
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