There are a lot of scary things in Fallout 3.
The scariest part was in a metro station.
It was dark, at night, and I heard feral ghouls giggling, and ran back out again in fear.
I don't like feral ghouls.

Or metro stations.
I went back in the daytime.
Not as bad now I have the Ghoul Mask. No more fighting Feral Ghouls for me unless I have to.

The first time I met a Yao Gaui it was dark and I was at the Moonbeam Theatre.
I really fast I heard a charging noise than a roar and something slamming me and I turned round and there was a Yaou Gaui right behind me. Scary.
Old Olney is scary.
Always full of Deathclaws. :cold:
The sewer under Older Olney is scary.
I went in underprepared and was forced to go through it.

I saved at every door and expected a Deathclaw to come charging through every door or be waiting at every door.
In the room in the middle, I opened the door and there was a Deathclaw waiting for me outside. You could hear it walking round near the door, waiting.