» Fri Feb 18, 2011 6:17 pm
Well, it is a bit early, but I have started to formulate a "rough sketch" character type. As it is early, some of my concepts may change as we find out more about the game.
Generally speaking, in early concept, my character, a female, will be a nordic shaman type. It is likely that she will be Breton, culturally influenced by the Nords since early childhood.
Emphasis will be on magic, but she will use a variety of weapons, as she is a survivor.
Weapon use will especially include daggers, for the preparation and gathering of herbs, and archery, for hunting. Due to the culture in which she was raised, axes would be appropriate, and depending on circumstances, a light shield may be used. She will probably not, however, be role-played as a full fledged shield maiden. If alchemy devices are available, they will be used.
She may possibly use very light armor, depending on what is available in the game.
This http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/V%C3%B6lva#Viking_society describes the "flavor" for her in-game character type.
Note: The following image is a beautiful piece of art by Luis Royo. I will try to make my in-game character as much like the image as is reasonable with the character creation tools we will be given.
CAUTION: It contains no nudity, but, discretion is advised, depending on who is looking.