However... since Skyrim's announcement I started having the same kind of dreams again, only about TESV this time. I've had about 5 so far but I only remember the last 2.
Have you had any dreams about Skyrim so far? If yes, tell me about them, how awesome/silly/stupid/funny they were!

I'll start with explaining mine:
1: the game started in this small snowy valley, I was alone. The sea was behind me with the remnants of a ship and there was only one path that I could follow. I noticed that there was a red line on the ground going in a large circle around me, and for some reason I knew that everything outside that red line wasn't yet developed by Bethesda - so basically the version of Skyrim that I was playing was an unfinished beta version. I didn't like it, so I got the brilliant idea to merge the files of Skyrim with the files of Oblivion and make it complete that way. How I did it I don't know, but I did.

The end result was.... weird. The game instantly toned down to Oblivion's graphics and when I followed the path out of the valley I came into this Nord village... the houses were unfinished and all the Nords looked the same: big and with beards, even the women.
And when I talked to them they all only had 2 topics I could choose from, namely "the latest rumors" and "mudcrabs". They couldn't talk though because I had no access to Skyrim's voice files because I didn't know who the voice actors were. That's all I remember from this dream.
2: Again, there was a sea with the remnants of a ship, and I was in the water trying not to drown. I remember thinking that the water looked superb and that I had to bake Bethesda cookies for this (don't ask me why) and then I noticed I was suddenly under water - apparently a new feature was that when you stopped swimming you actually sank deeper and deeper and could drown. I started swimming again and made it to shore, crawling onto it. I looked down and noticed that I could see my legs, which excited me beyond belief because that was a feature I had wanted to see for years and Bethesda had finally implemented it. There was fire behind the hills in front of me and I heard people screaming. I figured that they were Nords coming to rescue me while fighting off dragons. I was still on the ground when I heard a voice say "Get up." in a deep voice that sounded suspeciously like Morrowind Dunmer, fueling my excitement even more and I figured that this was Esbern. I was about to look up to see if I was right... and then I woke up, or rather was woken up by the sudden barking of one of my chinchillas. :facepalm: :banghead:
So, what about you guys? I can't be the only one dreaming about Skyrim, right?