Your Skyrim Wishlist

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:10 pm

When it comes to such a large and diverse RPG like The Elder Scrolls series has delivered us in the past, what are the top 5 features you feel should be added into the game to make this the ultimate Elder Scrolls game?

Mine are:
1: A visibility gem a-la Thief series
(a good idea on how to incorporate this into how skilled somebody is at stealth is: If somebody is a novice at stealth, the stealth gem may not appear but once for example the shadow creeper is an apprentice, the gem can only get to a certain level of darkness... but once the thief/assassin is a master at stealth, the visibility gem can become fully dark once the character is in a shadow) hope this makes sense.

2: Some randomized dungeons with associated randomized quests just like Daggerfall had, I feel that this feature would GREATLY add replay value to the game.
(One of the few things I feel I would've liked better in Oblivion is that I was limited to the amount of dungeons that were built into the game and not to mention quests... The modding community did a great job at adding new content but I didn't always enjoy having to search for new dungeons online to plunder before I had the chance to do so)

3: Difficult to achieve guild perks such as: Spellmaking, Unique talents/spells, item enchanting, houses, etc etc etc..
(This will allow a person to thrive for something and add another level of "achievement" to the game which many people crave)

4: A hardcoe mode a-la New Vegas :) I enjoyed how I had to actually "survive" in the game and not only fight monsters

5: An integration of Mass Effect style interaction with important characters, Daggerfall style interaction with generic NPCs and a Fable 2 style reputation system.
(I feel that one of the most important parts of playing a role in an RPG is getting in-game feedback on your character. This will make the many NPCs give actual LIFE to the game rather than feeling like most are there just imaginary people)

Well, there's my wishlist :)
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Jessie Rae Brouillette
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:31 pm

5. Excellent player made mods
4. Excellent player made mods
3. Excellent player made mods
2. Excellent player made mods
1. Excellent player made mods
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Syaza Ramali
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:45 pm

1) Levitation and mark/recall. I want it. throwing stars and crossbows would be nice too.

2) ditch the petty, lesser, common, greater, grand soul gem idea. have it directly relate a souls value to the strength of whatever you killed. i hated that the adoring fans soul was worth more then a
Dadroth's. This would make it so there is little/no limits to enchanting.

3) Enchanting armor/close/jewelry with Restore health/magica/fatigue/summon _____. just make it ridiculusly costly for the soul you would need and even then a fairly low regeneration rate and the item breaks and must be repaired if the summon dies.

4) i want to summon just about damn near every creature in the game. i wouldn't mind a few other new spells, like a temporary "no gravity" ware i could swim in air for a little bit. or maybe slow time.

5) i want to ride a dragon. That is all.
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Catharine Krupinski
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:25 am

I know I'm asking for too much but here goes anyway:

1. RPG mechanics that really matter and make a difference (both in and outside of combat - skill/stat requirements with weapons and armor, skillchance based lockpicking, skill/stat req's for certain dialogchoices, skill req's for guild advancement.... etc etc).
2. Choices that matter and have consequences (choice of guild alliance locking other off, multipath and multisolution pick-your-side quests, choice of characterbuild that matters, for a couple of examples).
3. Good writing with moral ambiguousness.
4. Clever levelscaling scheme in the MQ areas (and anywhere where it is used - if it is used) that retains both challenge and sense of characterprogression. Sense of danger. Risk and reward.
5. Less handholding (no questcompasses or enemycompasses etc) and playercuddling. A reward is much bigger a reward when it's earned and not just given half/completely free. Leave some responsibilities for the player in overcoming obstacles, make one use ones brain in solving problems, that's why it is there... to be used for thinking.
[bonus]. Overall, a step back from streamlining and general dumbing down.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:04 am

1. Better magic combat. Oblivion's spells flew too slow and took up too much mana. There was no real spell combos either. I needed mods to play a truley viable caster.

2. No indoor/outdoor transitions. New games do this. Or at the least, vastly reduce their load times. I'm talking 1 second at the most.

3. Dual Wielding daggers, fist weapons, and short swords. Completely viable, as human history shows. People like to say its "absurd", but can't back up that claim. Magic is absurd, DW daggers is realistic.

4. Martial weapons such as fist weapons, throwing stars, and throwing knives.

5. Possibly better melee/stealth-melee combat, some more combo moves or learnable moves. Slashslashslashslash svcks.
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Iain Lamb
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