Howdy folks,
First post so I am wary about whether or not I have posted this thread in the right forum section and, though it seems unlikely, whether or not the restrictions placed upon religious discussions elsewhere on site extend to the lore forums (doesn't seem so going by some of the active threads).
Anyway, to the matter at hand! We have seen that Tamriel has a wide array of varying pantheons of deities (to use the term loosely) many which overlap in the reverence of certain figures among adhering groups and, at the other end, outright hatred of certain gods, Daedra or Aedra, by one group and unwavering and unquestioning devotion to those same figures by another.
But, I was wondering, with such a great variety of seemingly "pick'n'mix" pantheons throughout the Elder Scrolls world, which gods, god-kings, demons and mudcrabs would members of the community include in their own pantheons, if they were to exist in the Tamrielic universe?
So, good Men-folk and Mer-folk, what would your pantheon's line-up look like? Let's keep the number of potentials down to 8 (or 9 if you're feeling heretical) so that your gods' great halls don't get too crowded! 
Personally, my own pantheon would be this:
Mara (I think that love, empathy and altruism are some of the best things our species (mortals generally in this context I guess) is capable of, so a deity embodying those things is a shoe-in for my god-squad)
Azura (I appreciate a hands-on approach, so I appreciate the influence of Azura, especially when, of the Dunmer deities, she is the only one to act even remotely benevelontly. Plus, I love dawn and dusk.)
Kynereth (I'm big on the beauty of the natural world, ergo I'm big on Kyne.)
Dibella (I'm a svcker for beautiful people and striving to romance with them so Dibella is a given.)
Stendarr (As with Mara, a god embodying the better potentials of mortals (mercy here), is a good god.)
Julianos (I think reason and logic are pretty much as wonderful as love and empathy, so Julianos is my kind o' guy.)
Sanguine (We all need to let loose sometimes and get a little debauched and decadent, so I'll gladly raise a glass or two to dear Sam. He may be a bad-boy but he's not an outright sadist like some of his Princely peers.)
Sheogorath (Life is a chaotic mess, so it makes sense to tip the proverbial hat to the Prince of Madness now and then (Sithis is too scary and ethereal a Chaos-god to revere for me!). It helps that Sheo does have benevolent inclinations now and then.)