Since the ubisoft forums and many other HOMM forums seem rather dead, i've decided to post this here. Hopefully many people here play this game
Just wondering what people think about the many gameplay changes that were made to this game.
Hero Skills: Changed from being a random choice to a 'pick your own skill' like in RPGs. I love this change to nuts. I can't count the number of times i've reloaded in Heroes 5 just because i was lacking that useless irrelevant skill (i.e some random ballistics for my mage character) that would allow me to get the ultimate skill. Not to mention that if i didnt have a skillwheel feature i wouldnt even know what skills to get to unlock the ultimate skill. This change solves all of that randomness and luck.
Resource Changes: Changed from having stuff like mercury sulfur gems and crystals to just blood crystals. I like this change slightly, since it means that the chance of you not getting the resource for your town is reduced, (e.g If you needed sulfur you wont be cursing the map for spamming you with mercury and crystals). Sure you could trade the resources, but the rates were horrendous. In any case, you now start with very little base resources even at normal difficulty, which i quite like.
Area of control: No more random stealing of mines by a 'courier hero'. I like this feature as well. Also means that i can no longer exploit the AI's foolishness by sending lots of heroes for a mine sweep Not to mention that hero cost actually increases, so you can't spam them that much like rats.
Creature stats: Having might and magic defense seperately now kinda allows for more variety and strategy i suppose. Im in favor of this change as well.
Town portals: I like this feature. Sure you can pop back to your town to defend in the blink of an eye, but the advanced town portal building is rather expensive. It sort of lessens the impact of the map difficulty though, e.g a one way portal exit near your town now has a rather reduced effect since enemies can no longer pop in and steal your town. Still, i find homm6 hard enough even on normal, so im not complaining
Town screens: Previously when the town screens were nothing but a little looped video in the middle of screen, i really hated that. But now that town screens are...back like in heroes 4, my rage has been quelled somewhat. The new town screens created some bugs with Nvidia cards though, but it appears fixed.
Able to recruit all creatures in a single town: I'm not so sure about this change. For one its extremely convenient since i don't need to get a courier hero to constantly send reinforcements, however its.....pretty unrealistic. And it just feels funny. I suppose i'm neutral about this.
I can't think of anymore changes for the moment; feel free to add in more. Also if you'd notice, im pretty favorable about many of the changes I rather enjoy this game. The main gripe i have are the bugs, which are still occurring even in the current patch (2.1.1 i think). Also i think Might heroes svck, though majority of players seem to think otherwise. Then again, im no expert. I probably only have a few tricks up my sleeve.