Hey, if the mincing of words is bad, how do you rate the purposeful abandoning of an entire people to save yourself? I've always wondered how anyone can call out the Stormcloaks for things like that... and kinda just accept that the Empire did something that is just horribly awful. How is it that people don't react more strongly to this? The Empire abandoned a whole people to save themselves.
It seems you're twisting what is going a bit. Ulfric isn't saying he got the right to rule because he killed the last guy, he is saying he has the right to rule(assuming a Stormcloak victory) because he controls the military and political landscape of the land. He only speaks of the duel as a symbol of the Empire's weakening influence on Skyrim or something to that effect. His reasons are exactly the same reasons the Empire think they have a right to rule Skyrim. So if you're against Ulfric on those grounds, I'm sorry, but then I have to call you out as a hypocrite.
I don't think they're trying to appease the Nords these days. Only squash the rebellion. According to Balgruuf the Empire told the Nords to shut their mouths and get in line with the WGC, paraphrasing of course. The innkeeper of Candlheart Hall has some good dialogue if the Imperials win: http://cs.uesp.net/index.php?game=sr&formid=0x00094178
The comment I assume you though I said the Empire hides their darkness from is actually referenced to the forums and how it appears that many just blindly accepts the basis that the Empire are the good guys and just gloss over the things that puts them as much worse than anything the Stormcloaks have done.
Granted, I do find the comment about knowing how thing work to be a bit laughable. And I think you know all to well what I'm thinking about:
Spoiler The assassination of the Emperor, at the behest of one or more members of the Elder Council. In its own way, this is a mirror of what happened to Torygg, just done in shadow. "We didn't like the former guy, so we had him killed". Same stuff, different culture. Can't be used against Ulfric, unless you accept it being true for one or more members on the Elder Council.
Well, except that we have even less information regarding the rule of Cyrodiil these days, other than that at least two cities have erupted into violence the last 12 years or so. And we do know that the Elder Council has a rather bad history of weakening the Empire with their squabbling. The Empire has only remained strong when a strong Emperor was on the throne. And we don't have any Emperor on the throne now.
Not to forget, as I already mentioned, that provinces being thrown to the wolves is part of how the Empire works under duress.
To be honest, unless someone believes Ulfric Stormcloak is an active agent on behalf of the Aldmeri Dominion, I don't see how anyone who knows the lore can support the Empire. Unless they just don't care about Skyrim or the Nords, of course.