What do really think of the Companions? Like them, dislike them, hate them? Be honest please.
What do really think of the Companions? Like them, dislike them, hate them? Be honest please.
I love the companions.
I haven't do it on most, I haven't do it on all but I have done it on a lot of characters.
I guess I'll have to vote on the most opton.
Story was meh, but I love the characters. Will say though, the first time I saw Farkas turn into a werewolf, my jaw dropped. One of my favorite first moments.
For me that was a disappointing factor. Thought these guys were tough.
I respect everybody's opinion. So should you friend.
I really like the characters from the Companions, but the storyline itself was very short and meh.
It's not like they rely on it to fight, they're still tough. If you expected him to kill all those guys alone with his blade...
I actually yelled, "No Farkas!" At the tv screen when he got surrounded.
Haha, I reacted the same way. I thought it was my fault, before I knew you almost can't fail.
They're okay. I like some of the members, especially Kodlak. Farkas is alright, but can't say I loved any of them. I have only done the quest all the way through once on the PC and once on the Xbox. The quest is so short and kind of disappointing. I really have mixed feelings about the way they incorporated
I do like the Skyforge weapons and Wolf armor.
I got the bug where Skjor comes back from the dead and that is really annoying. Also got a bug on the other play-through, where I had to beat up my husband (Marcurio) and couldn't go any further in the quest line. So I am probably not the most unbiased person to ask.
I like the theory. I think they ruined it by letting the whole werewolf business take up most of the plot-line. I'd have preferred more scripted quests - expeditions to dungeons, busting drug rings, and the like - to the radiant filler, and more of a transitio between joining as a whelp and becoming a member of the Circle.
Speaking of the Companions, Kodlak's dream is one of those reminders that the game views you as a Nord.
That said, he's one of my favorite characters in the game.
As lazy as the questline was, I still like them for what they are. They trace their ideals and legacy back to Ysgramor's 500. They aren't petty mercenaries like the Fighters Guild, competing for contracts.
SI sums up my feelings on the wish-waff-wash companions. There more watered down than Sadia's mead.
I agree sir. Kodlak is an amazing persona.
Many people judge Kodlak from the surface of his character, but there is more to it then that. Kodlak is a man with a lot of depth. Both historical as intelligence.
I already liked Kodlak, but his journal really sealed the deal there. Brings a tear to my eye it does, every playthrough.
I agree that the questline needed more fleshing out, and an actual leader of the Silver Hand would've helped a lot too. You need a good foil for your ragtag bunch of warriors. The Skinner didn't need to show up so early. However I overall liked the story, the concept alone can carry it, and I always go through it.
Voted for love, although that's maybe a bit much, just a strong like.
Well, I guess there is an "actual leader", but s/he's so anonymous. You need a baddie with some punch.