1. Why do you want to force all platforms to look equal?
2. Will the graphics be improved before 11/11/11? If so, on all platforms or just on the PC?
3. Are we going to be able to climb in Skyrim?
4. Will there be polearms, spears, throwing weapons, crossbows, or any other kind of weapons that weren't in Oblivion?
5. Are there any new guilds in Skyrim? If so, name one of the new ones please!
6. Will there be "invisible walls" that surround the ends of the game world in Skyrim?
7. When will you start working on DLCs and expansions and such for Skyrim?
8. Why wasn't the world size made bigger than Oblivion's?
9. I understand that mounts are a maybe for the release, but how is the development looking at this moment?
10. Do we have footprints in Skyrim?
11. Will there be any improvements for the underwaters in Skyrim? Any chance for us to see sea monsters or such in deep depths?

12. Will we walk "in snow" (as in, wade through snow; snow has a depth) or walk "on snow" (snow is just a thin layer that you always walk above)?
13. Are dungeons also seperated as interior cells, or is it just houses and buildings that are seperate cells from exterior cells?
14. Are there any courts in Skyrim, where you are able to defend yourself if accused of a crime?
15. Is there a "hardcoe mode" (optional or non-optional; the need to eat/drink/sleep, etc...) in Skyrim?
16. Will we be able to see our feet/body in first person view?
17. This is the best RPG in the world. Thanks for making this!