Top 3? tough one for me. But 3 of my favs anyway that I created. Sorry if some of this is a long read. 
Valeria Stormborn.
Race. Breton
Class/Skills. Warrior, Hunter, Alchemist, Enchanter, and necromancy.
History. Valeria was born in the Reach before the Markarth incident to a loving mother and father, both of who were known as reachmen. She was roughly 10 years old when their king Madanach took Markarth and then lost it again two years later. She grew up tough and wild, taught in the ways of the reachmen. Listening to stories told around the fire by briar heart warriors, or learning darker arts from the hagravens was common place for her. During the retaking of Markarth by Ulfric Stormcloak, she lost both her parents. Rumor has it both still live but no longer recognizable to her. Her mother went off to become a hagraven and her father was said to have died and turned into a briar heart.
In the chaos that followed the incident in Markarth, many soldiers from Ulfric Stormcloak and the empire performed what the reachmen referred to as "The Purge." Involved or not in the attack and holding of Markarth, everyone was hunted down and killed. Age did not matter, women and children were not spared. And even while the fires of burning bodies cast columns of smoke into the sky, the soldiers spread across the land. And that is where they began meeting resistance. Valeria had been taken into a camp outside Markarth and the soldiers hit there first. She killed her first man that day. He approached her with the intention of killing but the recklessness of someone looking at what was thought to be a defenseless child. Instead she put a crudely made stone dagger through his neck and then as he choked upon his own blood she cut out his eyes.
From this moment on she was filled with hatred. Only the forsworn was absolute. She formed a reputation as a wild woman, a ghost... a witch. She would wipe out whole patrols of soldiers single handedly, usually only leaving one badly wounded who thought he saw a young woman. Her and others like her brought such a terror to the Reach that many dared not leave Markarth anymore. They became imprisoned behind their stone walls.
It was Valeria who planned the escape of her king Madanach from the mines under Markarth. She allowed herself to be captured after sneaking into the city and killing the Silver-Blood family. Finding Madanach had already cleared out a tunnel was a bonus to her plans and together with him and the other men they tore a bloody swath through the streets under the cover of darkness. So many guards were killed that the Jarl feared if the forsworn tried to take the city now, he would not have enough men to hold it. He put a bounty on the head of the wild forsworn woman of 15,000 gold pieces after that night.
Madanach however had other plans. He still seemed to think peace could be shared between the forsworn and he empire. So he sent his right hand, Valeria to General Tullius. With a shaky alliance between the forsworn and the empire, imperial patrols were able to move into the Reach and secure Markarth from any threat Ulfric Stormcloak might have had. As a sign of good faith, Madanach left Valeria in the hands of General Tullius to use in his war. The general was often heard to say "Thank the eight divines she is on our side." when reports reached his ears of her actions along the battle fronts. A scouting party would report finding a stormcloak camp filled with dead men and maybe a broken forsworn arrow. They knew it was her and she had been unleashed into Skyrim in the name of the empire.
It was her axes that took Ulfric Stormcloak's life.
After that she sort of disappeared. Rumor had it she was seen from time to time in the Reach. The East Empire Company reported that a forsworn woman fitting her description helped them kill dragons on Wyrmstooth island. Still others thought she had been seen getting off a boat in Dawnstar that had arrived from Falskaar. The captain of a ship that sailed from Windhelm to Solstheim regularly said a forsworn woman paid for passage a few times. He never feared having her on board claiming it actually seemed to make his boat safer. No one dared attack with the thought of her on board.
Salessi Darkwater (ver 4)
Race. Nord
Class/Skills. Brawler, Warrior, Hunter, Werewolf.
Salessi was born outside of Whiterun to a farmer and his wife. A quiet life with Dragonsreach visible on clear days. When she was about fifteen years old however she ran away from home with a boy from a neighboring farm. The quiet life was not for them and eventually both ended up in bad company. Salessi became a bandit and even ended up with a bounty on her head. But eventually the life became to dangerous. Friends and people she knew were dying around her and she began to look back on what she once had.
She returned home to her parent's farm not far from the Northern watch tower in Whiterun hold to find it destroyed. Burned to the ground and her family gone. Salessi found a chest under the broken floor and within it a doll wrapped up in a little girl's dress. She knew those had been meant for her and perhaps all she had left of her family. She went into Whiterun, paid the bounty on her head and found out her parent's farm and been burned down some years ago by bandits. Her mother and father were in the Hall of the Dead in Whiterun and she now leaves flowers there.
Looking for a place to belong and a way to redeem herself, Salessi found a new family in the Companions. She bought a home in Whiterun and even took a khajiit named Kharjo as her lover. Sadly that did not work out for them when he learned she was a werewolf. She let him keep the house in Whiterun and took a more nomadic look on life. Eventually she settled down with a woman named Sighne. But not before becoming Harbinger after the tragic incident involving the Silver-Hand in Jorrvaskr.
What she does not know is that her brother has survived all these years and knows of her. But his hatred for leaving the family has kept him from making contact with her. I may RP his story some day.
Race. Altmer
Skills. Damn good thief.
Sneak, Illusion, Pickpocket.
Kaileena was a poor nearly blind girl raised by a khajiit caravan. Little was known about her past or even who her mother or father was. It was not even known how she lost her sight but by the scaring around her eyes some thought her sight had been taken.
Eventually she found her way to Riften where she plied her trade as a petty thief and was eventually noticed by Brynjolf. He was impressed with her skills in misdirection and who would suspect the blind girl of being a thief when she bumped into you? She took along a guardian, a friend she made from the khajiit caravan. He would look out for what she could not see and together they made quite a team.
It is unknown to her who sired her but one night a fateful job went wrong in Raven Rock and she woke near the shore. Three days later she turned into a vampire which had it not been for her closeness to her khajiit friend, he might have killed her the moment he knew. Instead she gained back much of her sight and used her developing talents as a vampire to further her goals as a thief. Eventually she became the grand thieves guild master under the instruction of Berenziah's daughter Karliah. This was fitting as she had loved having the Barenziah books read to her as a child. Some think that's why she took her khajiit companion as a husband eventually.
Through some interesting series of events, Kaileena was able to learn her mother was Elenwen, leader of the Altmeri Dominion in Skyrim. She later learned her father was Ulfric Stormcloak. Apparently Elenwen during the time Ulfric was held by them, had fallen for the man and accidently became with child. At first she tried to pass the child off as one of her servants but questions were being raised. Kaileena had her father's eyes which Elenwen could no longer look into. And in a fit of rage at her own mistake tried to burn out Kaileena's eyes. Kaileena had then been rescued by a redguard woman who smuggled her away and gave her to a khajiit caravan. That woman was Saadia. Angered by Saadia's actions Elenwen leaked news of the woman's war crimes to the key members of Saadia's homeland who sent Kematu to bring her back. That ended poorly for Kematu and his men, but this is how Kaileena learned of her mother.
To this day Kaileena is still spending her nights stealing from the citizens of Skyrim. She has not approached her mother and never will. As far as she is concerned, her mother is dead to her. She also has no desire to see her father. But like he would believe her story anyway. He never knew of the fact he has a daughter from Elenwen.