1. Assaultron devastator drone
2. Mr Gutsy commander
3. Legendary radroach

I struggle with any robot enemy so really any 3 of that type. Those assaultrons are the worst they are so fast.
I could have sworn I faced a legendary super mutant suicider the first day I played. I actually don't remember exactly if that was the case, he may have just had a skull next to him indicating I was too weak to fight him. I wasn't paying attention at the time.
Legendary superhuman butcher holding a rocket launcher. Those butchers have buckets of health default before legendary and when he picks up a launcher it's a pain.
I did not know this very good to find out. Now I just need to remember where I stashed that weapon.
Frakking legendary bloodbugs...uuughhh...been killed twice by them. So much poison!
i have a top 2 Legendary Bloodbugs, stupid poison own me.
And Legendary Camouflage Deathclaw.
Legendary Bloodbug. legendary stingwing( or whatever it's called), and legendary super mutant butcher with a mini gun.
I haven't fought a legendary chameleon deathclaw but the normal chameleons deathclaws are a pain.
Yeah, legendary blood bug. 1 hit and the poison will kill you. At least it killed me at 100 % hp
1. Assaultron Dominator
Nothing else is scary.
im scare to find legendary Miraluck queens, man i only come across a normal one, lets say after getting own 5 times on Survival i just run away.
yeahhh i never use the Fatmans, since fallout 3 i feel they are super OP vs everything so i never use it.
Legendary Ghoul Reavers are actually fairly tame, for me, and I was expecting even the bog-standard ones to eat my lunch at level 30! A few doses of 00 buckshot to the face and they go down, though. Not sure if it's just that ghouls are more frightening in general that the reavers are relatively tame in comparison, or what.
Legendary cucarachas don't faze me, but bloodbugs and stingwings are horrid.
They are very pesky but not as dangerous as the assaultron and gutsy
I remember running into a swarm of those things. They killed me quicker than I could react to stimpack
Legendary Mole Rat Brood Mother. I had TWO attack me at the same time right out side of Diamond City, along with their little family. Almost completely destroyed me. Close quarters, dark, mole rats all over you..yea it's stressful.