1) explosive minigun
i think i got it from a radstag. was pretty psyched to try it. went out of order on my plan, to spec heavy guns. was already spec'd sneak attack. nothing in the glowing sea, on survival mode, survived a single burst. i hate this weapon for 2 reasons. it crashes my xb1 game. a lot. it explodes things. into tiny pcs. hard to find a piece big enough to loot sometimes. in vats, if the 3rd shot kills the mob, it usually finishes the 10 round burst. so i'm firing exploding rounds at a corpse flying through the air. grats on your loot, whoever finds that corpse. in new vegas.
2) 2 shot plasma. enough said. i blame some game crashes on this thing though.
3) freezing super sledge with stun pack, believe it or not. turn any mob into a pi?ata. it's pretty funny.