The empire sold out the High rock Hammerfell and the nords to the Thalmor.
Hammerfell. Not High Rock. High Rock is still part of the Empire. Cyrodill, High Rock, and Skyrim are the only remaining nations of the Empire. High Rock is actually the province in the best shape; the Dominion invaded Hammerfell and Cyrodill.
I was neutral before the game was released, but I now support the Empire. I waited until I had enough information to make my decision and I'm glad I made the right choice. After seeing how Argonians and Dunmer are treated in Windhelm, it was clear I wasn't going to be a fan of the Stormcloaks. Then I read "The Bear of Markath."
Then I saw how nice things are in Solitude. I walked to Castle Dour and signed up with the Legion.
For the Empire!