Neither... I'll be wielding a restoration or ward spell in one hand, and a destruction spell in the other :foodndrink:. I may then move to a Battlemage sort of character...
I'm just going to beat the living hell out of everything with two maces. No finesse needed, I'll just repeatedly slam their heads while frothing at the mouth and yelling obscenities. It will be glorious.
Probably a sword and dagger. I'd use the sword to do all the heavy work and use an enchanted or poisoned dagger to weaken him with status or damage over time effects. If they bring back the jink blades from Morrowind I'm definitely going with this.
I love maces. Maces will be my primary weapon of choice unless I find a blade that is significantly better. In dual-wielding, I'll probably go double maces or mix it up with mace and sword.
i will duel wield. I dont want to use just swords as their perk is higher crit rating as opposed to maces doing armor penetration and axes causing bleeding. I will either axe/sword or axe/mace.