Just wanted to see what people were going to use either as one of their main weapons , or what you will be duel wielding if you do. You can also specify in the comments out of what material you want your weapons to be made.
I am going to use Dagger and Magic, or Dagger and Dagger, depending on the situation. (Most likely Dagger and Magic.) Make note this is only for my main. But my dagger will most likely be Dragon, Deadric and or Steel. Magic will be whatever feel right for the situation.
I am going to use my good ol' bow and arrow, and then when the fighting gets all personnel like I shall switch TO MY FISTS(do not care if there is no skill tree, i will virtually bloody my knuckles)
My Character will use whatever is at hand (swords, maces, daggers, chairs, rocks, small fury animals...). Generally though, sword (preferably katana) and spell. :hubbahubba:
Nord battlemage. Heavy armor, alteration shield(gonna paralize the first dragon I can and watch it crash hilarously, so I guess just any alteration spell), and a longsword. Add in a nords natural resistances, and you got one tough cookie. :hubbahubba:
I will be using swords. I will be dual wielding swords. I have been waiting for this since the first time I popped in Morrowind. Now that I can actually do it, I'm gonna take full advantage of it.