Your weirdest random encounter?

Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 6:52 pm

Well One Time In Markarth i got a rather large bounty for killing the thalmor but not wanting to kill the guards one by one i ran until there were about 10 and i went up to the guard tower with the narrow steps and Fus Ro DA! them to about 40 feetbelow and tossed their bodies down the waterfall.

BTw how do you spawn Stormcloaks and Imps on Console commands.
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Dona BlackHeart
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 5:49 am

1 firing an arrow at a bandit thug and having him blast off like a flaming rocket over 100 feet in the air.
2 anytime I see a thief they give me all their money
as my "cut" for being a nightingale

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Christina Trayler
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 4:40 am

3 bandits with imperial armor standing next to a pile of bodies. One comes up to me and goes:

"Stop right! This is a....uh.....toll road. Yea. A toll road. Now give us.......5,000 gold and we'll let you pass."


This, except my "imperial soldiers" said "This is a... uh... imperial business."

Edit: also, there was this battle between stormcloaks vs thalmor vs a lone guy named "scavanger".

Scavanger comes out on top, with mix-match of stormcloak and elven armor :D
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Marta Wolko
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 12:12 am

As a matter of fact, it was today.

I was looking for Botheia's shrine, and I ran into a woman named 'Madwoman'

She kept going on how I have Wabbajack, and begs me to use it on her and if I continue to talk to her, she says "WabbajackWabbajackWabbajackWabbajackWabbajackWabbajack"

Let me get this right. She asked to see your wabbajack?
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 7:36 pm

Those two redguards looking for that woman... those guys appear on the road accosting a redguard woman, like every 30 minutes to an hour. Sometimes I think if I kill them, this random encounter will finally go away.
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Ludivine Poussineau
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 1:58 am

Basically, evertime I approached the area around him, everything began to lag horrendously, up to quite some distance.
I can only imagine it was down to the corpse pile on the hill, ready to roll down at the slightest push and surrounded by weapons, all of which must have been straining my PC's tolerance for number of objects in one area.

Eventually I had to put the Orc down.
It was a sad moment.
Bloody dangerous too, but still sad.
Like losing a favorite pet.
Think "ol' yeller", except more green.
Plus, I don't think the dog had a battleaxe in the movie.
He might have in the book version, I'm not sure.

G'bye crazy old half naked orc.
I'll always miss you, even if my arrows didn't.

Was it a good death?
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Chica Cheve
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 12:28 am

I used to have weird encounters but then I met a guard who took an arrow in the knee.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 2:14 am

3 bandits with imperial armor standing next to a pile of bodies. One comes up to me and goes:

"Stop right! This is a....uh.....toll road. Yea. A toll road. Now give us.......5,000 gold and we'll let you pass."



Never experienced that.. But, this game keeps impressing me... that was amazing.


I cannot say it was a weird random encounter, but i was walking on a road, then suddenly i saw a merchant caravan attacked, the owners and the horse were dead. I went there to see what happened and THEN (i will put into a Spoiler because it may spoil a little, but very very little)
Then, when i looked to the floor and to the dead bodies, i saw Falmer Arrows on the floor and stuck on their corpses. I was finding it weird, so i searched the body, and there it was a Journal. I read it and it was saying that she needed to deliver those supplies to Whiterun, but the road was dangerous and her husband didn't heard she. And also she mentioned in the Journal that the road could be infested by Goblins and other creatures.. I was so intriged about that Journal mentioning Golbins.. than i started thinking: " Perhaps the Goblins she mentioned, are the Falmer !" since there was Falmer Arrows all over the place and on their bodies.. Reading the journal didn't activated any quest or anything like that. I was so intriguing and curious about the Caravan being propably attacked by Falmers that i started looking around the place for clues, walking around i found a cave. Entering that cave i found a few spiders and killed them, but going straight into that cave i found FALMERS ! I thought i could only find them Deeply in the Dweemer Ruins, but no, there was some of them in that cave. That was awesome but also kinda weird.

Want a hint ? Just because the Journal didn't activated a quest, doesn't mean that it don't have content. Read it and most of the times it have ineresting content.. That Journal i found didn't activated a quest, by my curiosity i read the Journal and i found out that the road was dangerous and could have Goblins, by that i was so intrigued that by my curiosity i started looking around. There weren't quest markers or anything else..

Also, after all that, inside that cave, i went into a sort of a Jail. There were two Human dead corpses. I searched one of them and then i found a Note. That note was for that dead guy's wife. He wrote : "Dear Shelly, i may be dead now, but if somehow you find this i want you to know that I'm sorry. i love you dear."

This didn't activated any quest of anything like that.... all of this was a simple "encounter", a minor one which led me into a great Adventure... i was so immersed by the game that time.. I highly recommend you all to, if you find a Journal, read it, sometimes it will immerse you into Skyrim's World..

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Lloyd Muldowney
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 10:18 pm

Was on Hircine's quest when I *slight spoilers* turned into a werewolf whilst taking care of a couple of bandits that had ambushed me. Firstly I managed to trigger a kill animation whilst I was mid transformation (half armoured, half wolf form) and stabbed a guy with my sword. I took care of the bandits only to realise I was under attack again by Thalmor agents who must have seen me wolf out, but once I killed them I realised that even their prisoner was trying to attack me which I found funny.

There was also a Dragon near Saarthal that I just couldn't manage to get its interest. It wanted to attack anything that wasn't me and once it had killed a few things it flew away.
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Kill Bill
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 7:58 pm

3 bandits with imperial armor standing next to a pile of bodies. One comes up to me and goes:

"Stop right! This is a....uh.....toll road. Yea. A toll road. Now give us.......5,000 gold and we'll let you pass."


That's awesome
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Kat Ives
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 2:50 am

I saw some packages and barrels near a shallow cave. As I approached I realized it was an ambush as ten bandits stormed out from behind the crates laughing maniacly. But just at that moment a group of stormcloaks arrived saying "Die scum!" and to make it worse an angry group of imperials that were following them joined the fight. Then two sabretooths chasing a pack of wolves ran straight into the brawl. Then to make matters worse a master necromancer and his colleages started blasting their fire spells while screaming "THIS IS THE PART WHEN YOU FALL DOWN AND BLEED TO DEATH"
Honestly at this point I was freaking out but all hell truly broke loose when I saw massive shadow fly over the battle, drop a [censored] mammoth on everyone, and then followed by the dragons deafening cry as it landed and began burning everyone. Then to top it all off two giants were fast approaching the all out war to exact revenge for their dead mammoth. Needless to say I spammed restoration for most of the battle :P

Obvious lie. :sadvaultboy:
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Benjamin Holz
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 8:26 am

This: [IMG][/IMG]

bunch of redguards standing around in the outfits they wear when after that one girl doing nothing. Tried to talk to them...they didn't have any dialogue options
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Sabrina Steige
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 7:27 pm

Let me get this right. She asked to see your wabbajack?
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victoria johnstone
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 5:08 am


This morning I was riding down a road and Alduin shows up off in the distance. I kick my horse into high gear in time to watch him breathe new life into a dragon.
The newborn snaps at me and takes to the sky. The next thing I know.... it's me, my horse, 2 mammoths, 3 giants, 4 bandits, 2 saber cats, 2 wolves and a Nobleman who apparently lost his hired guard chasing down and engaging the flying menace. With the surviving giants and mammoths puttin the beat down on anything that accidentally hit them in the chaos.

In the middle of all this, some random Thug comes running up to me screaming "Please! Please, you have to help me!" as he turns me away from the battle. I yell "Dude! What the $^@& do you think I'm doing?" I tried to turn back to the task at hand, but he stops me and starts ranting how he got bit by a vampire and needs a cure. I grabbed him by the back of the neck and using my thumb to push one side of his face towards the ensuing battle, I sternly voiced "Do you not see what's going on right now?!" But before I could finish, he wiggles loose to run away telling me to "Never mind!" and that he'd do it on his own.

All I could say was "What the $^@& ?" Drew an arrow, shot him in the back, watched his face hit the dirt and then took down anything that was still breathing.
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Poetic Vice
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 9:54 pm

Finding a dying dragon and claiming it's soul, with nothing nearby except a rabbit.
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kiss my weasel
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 1:32 am

Finding a dying dragon and claiming it's soul, with nothing nearby except a rabbit.
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Robert Jr
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 12:20 am

3 bandits with imperial armor standing next to a pile of bodies. One comes up to me and goes:

"Stop right! This is a....uh.....toll road. Yea. A toll road. Now give us.......5,000 gold and we'll let you pass."


i had that happen!!!! the leader was an orc was yours?
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Cedric Pearson
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 6:28 pm

One time, i was walking along, and saw this naked lady and a "Theif" in elven armor fighting a bear. The naked lady died, I killed the bear, and the Thief fell to the ground in the "recovery position". As soon as the bear was dead, he initiated conversation saying "give me all your money if you want to live!" despite the fact that he was at like, 5% health. I fire breathed him and took all his [censored].
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Shianne Donato
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 10:12 pm

I had an encounter earlier today that was random, awesome and annoying. Won't list the exact details due to spoilers but it involved Winterhold, 10 and an Ancient Dragon.
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Michelle Chau
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 10:06 pm

The hardest encounter I have had was when I was fighting an ancient dragon, got him down to 3/4th of his health bar... after he flew off and I went after where I saw a dragon come down. with full health... it was also an Elder Dragon :(. I had to fight both dragons at the same time! Both doing frost breath attacks and bite attacks ><.

The funniest encounter I have had is with Imperial guards marching a captured stormcloak... a wolf near by aggroed and the storm cloak ran a head and killed the wolf but instead of running off he just went back into the line as a captured stormcloak... he could have ran away... gone for freedon.

i had that happen!!!! the leader was an orc was yours?

Not sure about that poster, but I've had this 3 times on the same character, the leader was always a male orc and there was another male meleer with him and a female spell caster. The first time I had it, they spawned near a guy labeled "Mage Apprentice" or Novice or something. They'd always one shot kill him, seems two random encounters hit at the same time, after a few reloads I managed to save him using Ice Form and some luck. He only had a pathetic staff and no magical abilities of his own, he decided to give up on magic and handed me his staff of something... he never moved at all after this and was killed about 20 levels later by another random encounter when I went back past that area.
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Latisha Fry
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 9:16 pm

Some bloke runs up to me and says "Hey you, take this expensive thing and don't ask any questions, I'll be back for it later"
I'm like "sure thing, a fool and his money and all that"

Now he didn't actually get to finish that sentence, its just that the same had hapenned to me a number of hours prior.

What happened next was one of the two trolls I was fighting at the time WTFStomped him mid-sentance - at that point I had to giggle.

Then after I despatch the Trolls, a Hunter comes by and says "Did you see someone run past here a few moments ago?"
I'm like "who u mean this dead guy on the ground between us?" " Well this must be yours..."

Then He's all "Thanks, when I find that Bandit I'm going to murder him!"

and with that he stood there and stared at me.....

I slowly backed away. step by step.......
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Vera Maslar
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 8:58 pm

Was it a good death?

If you measure it by the quantity of arrows sticking out of his back, then yes, it was pretty good.
At least, I didn't get any complaints.

If he'd have followed, I'd have let him fight dragons for me.
Oh, if only he'd listened.
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Nienna garcia
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 1:54 am

Walking the relatively flat tundra west of Whiterun. Mammoth walking around...all of a sudden another mammoth spawns.....high up in the air. Mammoth falls, dies. I loot it's body. Weird....
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Bereket Fekadu
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