» Tue Dec 13, 2011 1:12 am
I'd say not so much a single encounter but a series of encounters.
I ran into an orc fairly early on in my adventures, on a well travelled road.
He was stripped to the waist and hoping for a good death.
I talked a while but seemed unable to convince him to change his plan, bid him farewell and went on my way.
Some time later, I returned upon the road to find him still there, but with a small pile of bandits around him.
Two or three, I think.
I tried again to see if convincing him to take another course of action was possible, but no luck.
I bid him farewell and happily tapped down the bandits for sellable loot before making my way onwards.
The next time I passed by, the body pile had grown significantly.
Adding a couple of necromancers, two sabretoothed cats, a new bandit and a scared but mostly unharmed Talsgar the Wanderer (who stood there begging for mercy and refusing to put down his two raised fists, I still don't know if the Orc saved him or beat him up.)
He didn't mind me picking up anything I wanted, but still wouldn't let me convince him to stop seeking a good death.
At least once, he saved me too.
It soon became a habit that I'd take this road each time I was passing that way.
I'd stop, loot the bodies, skin the animals and then trundle on.
On one occasion I found myself chased by a bear I'd stumbled upon near to the Orc's spot.
I was retreating toward the road when my half naked, green pal came charging up and dropped the barely scratched bear in one swing.
Now, this probably would have continued forever, with me picking over the dead and him ignoring my attempts at recruitment, if it wasn't for the fact that his pile of corpses was starting to get a little too big...
Basically, evertime I approached the area around him, everything began to lag horrendously, up to quite some distance.
I can only imagine it was down to the corpse pile on the hill, ready to roll down at the slightest push and surrounded by weapons, all of which must have been straining my PC's tolerance for number of objects in one area.
Eventually I had to put the Orc down.
It was a sad moment.
Bloody dangerous too, but still sad.
Like losing a favorite pet.
Think "ol' yeller", except more green.
Plus, I don't think the dog had a battleaxe in the movie.
He might have in the book version, I'm not sure.
G'bye crazy old half naked orc.
I'll always miss you, even if my arrows didn't.