Your weirdest random encounter?

Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 7:05 am

I was somewhere near Broken Fang Cave. At the same spot I found 3 pit wolfs, a normal wolf pack, 3 "soldiers" with armors stolen from imperial soldiers, 3 dead imperial soldiers, 2 bandits with one having small note about finding some missing pit wolfs, 1 bandit outlaw (not sure if the all bandits were dead already, it was a mess), and Vuljotnaak dragon burning their asses.

What is your weirdest random encounter?
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 3:45 am

As a matter of fact, it was today.

I was looking for Botheia's shrine, and I ran into a woman named 'Madwoman'

She kept going on how I have Wabbajack, and begs me to use it on her and if I continue to talk to her, she says "WabbajackWabbajackWabbajackWabbajackWabbajackWabbajack"
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Matthew Warren
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 12:15 am

Khajiit wanted to sell me skooma, but the game didn't give me a choice to accept, so I was forced to kill him.
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Rusty Billiot
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 11:57 pm

Khajiit wanted to sell me skooma, but the game didn't give me a choice to accept, so I was forced to kill him.

Cheaper that way anyway :thumbsup:
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Roanne Bardsley
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 12:10 am

I saw some packages and barrels near a shallow cave. As I approached I realized it was an ambush as ten bandits stormed out from behind the crates laughing maniacly. But just at that moment a group of stormcloaks arrived saying "Die scum!" and to make it worse an angry group of imperials that were following them joined the fight. Then two sabretooths chasing a pack of wolves ran straight into the brawl. Then to make matters worse a master necromancer and his colleages started blasting their fire spells while screaming "THIS IS THE PART WHEN YOU FALL DOWN AND BLEED TO DEATH"
Honestly at this point I was freaking out but all hell truly broke loose when I saw massive shadow fly over the battle, drop a [censored] mammoth on everyone, and then followed by the dragons deafening cry as it landed and began burning everyone. Then to top it all off two giants were fast approaching the all out war to exact revenge for their dead mammoth. Needless to say I spammed restoration for most of the battle :P
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Emily abigail Villarreal
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 10:48 pm

3 bandits with imperial armor standing next to a pile of bodies. One comes up to me and goes:

"Stop right! This is a....uh.....toll road. Yea. A toll road. Now give us.......5,000 gold and we'll let you pass."

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Hairul Hafis
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 8:36 am

I was out looking for ores around Whiterun and approached one of the nearby guard towers - Whitewatch, I think. A Blood Dragon appears (:o ! Wow, a new dragon!! [in my game anyway]) I run over - ooh, an ore vein! Quick, stop to mine! - so whenI get to the tower, there's bandits as well. It appears the bandits are fighting the guards are fighting the dragon. Didn't look like they put their quarrel aside to deal with the dragon - but I'm not sure, it was pretty chaotic. Anyway so this little conflict ends with the dragon and bandits dying. I don't think any of the guards died, surprisingly.

I continue my wandering to the north-ish. Atop a small rise I see flames shooting in the distance. I run over and there's some Thalmors and Stormcloaks had just finished fighting. All 3 Stormcloaks were dead and all the Thalmors were walking off. Now, my character is a Stormcloak. You can guess what followed. Needless to say, no filthy enemies of Talos walked away.

Another time I was walking around and again, saw magic in the distance (before the characters were in view, thanks 360 graphical limitations). Fire was going one way, ice the other. It was pretty cool. Two mages of opposing elements were battling it out. The ice one lost, and I killed the winner. Then used the tome I just found to make them both zombies ;)
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Vicky Keeler
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 12:33 am

I saw a dragon in the distance, when I catch up he's killing 3 frost trolls.

When he's done with them his health is low enogh for me to hit him once and he died.... awesome easy kill :P
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Wanda Maximoff
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 2:58 am

I was minding my own business around Falkreath, checking out a seemingly innocent tomb. Turns out there was spriggan hiding there, so I ran away immediately as my previous experiences with spriggans were all quite... awkward. While running like a rabbit on skooma, a bear catches my scent and decides to pursue me, while my character is slowly coughing up his lungs due to all the sprinting. Thalmor agents cross my path and decide they don't like me. A pack of wolves joins the party. I look around and see this huge merry crew of elves and creatures running after me. Ran into a ruin, angry group of bandits want my head. By now, my pursuers had not shown any signs of fatigue whatsoever, so I decided to dash to the lake. When I was nearly there, half frozen by the Thalmor and their ice hand-cannons, a dragon swoops by and one-shots a bandit. My character, magicka, health and stamina all at ~10%, turns around, only to get killed by a MUDCRAB.

Craziest chase I've ever seen in a videogame.

tl;dr: I saw a mudcrab the other day. Nasty creatures.
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James Potter
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 3:44 am

Some random guy named "Student" came up to me after I exited my house in Whiterun and asked if he could practice magic on me. I said alright, and he did a few spells while I held up my ward, then he said something along the lines of "thank you so much, I'm going to go to the College of Winterhold! I'm so excited!", then he turned around to leave and a guard game up and two-shot him. Poor boy will never see his dreams come true :(
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Dale Johnson
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 5:35 pm

Invisible Aggressive Cat Dude....killed me, cause he was invisible, couldn't fight back.

Seems nearly everywhere I go...I find the dead body of a "Thief". Always the same dude, but gear is respawning. Strangest place I've found him...Dragonsreach, next to the Jarl.
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Damien Mulvenna
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 4:45 pm

My wierdest encounter has to be seeing a naked woman (bra and panties, mind) running by me in the woods shouting "Help me, I'm being abused", only to see a frostbite spider sprinting after her. Coincidence, or is this one horny spider? She was wearing silk underwear. Perhaps the spider took it a bit personally.
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Felix Walde
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 6:52 am

Invisible Aggressive Cat Dude....killed me, cause he was invisible, couldn't fight back.

Seems nearly everywhere I go...I find the dead body of a "Thief". Always the same dude, but gear is respawning. Strangest place I've found him...Dragonsreach, next to the Jarl.

This is indeed "weird". :huh:
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Leticia Hernandez
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 7:50 pm

Me and Sven are taking a stroll along the roads outside of Whiterun. Coming the opposite direction are a group of four Nords, with armour and weapons. I think they are a group of Companions or some normal random encounter. I continue to walk and I pass them. Suddenly I hear war cries and weapons being unsheathed. I turn around and realise that the group was two Bandit Chiefs and two regular Bandits. I was level 6 Mage at this point and barely won using sprint alot and potions
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 7:42 pm

walking towards dawnstar, I see farkas and athis (of the companions) and benor (from silverblood inn) wandering out from some tomb,

none of them wanted to tell me what they've been doing though, but I suspect a plot to replace me as the leader of the companions...
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Hella Beast
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 5:52 pm

I was walking around in the forest and I find an Imperial soldier with his horse walking around. I'm. Stormcloak so I was getting ready to assasinate him. Out of no where, an arrow flies into his head and he drops dead.

His horse ran away but before he got too far, he was taken out with one arrow. (Reminded me of the prisoner running away at the beggining of the game)

I started getting hit hard but was able to track down a lone bandit hiding in bushes sniping everyone in site. Was pretty awesome.

I cut his throat.
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Charles Weber
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 9:18 pm

Just came across a giant walking along a road herding two cows. Guess the mammoths weren't biting :lmao:

Also while figthing a dragon near a farm i noticed a firebird. By which i mean a chicken on fire :rofl:
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Antony Holdsworth
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 9:21 pm

My wierdest encounter has to be seeing a naked woman (bra and panties, mind) running by me in the woods shouting "Help me, I'm being abused", only to see a frostbite spider sprinting after her. Coincidence, or is this one horny spider? She was wearing silk underwear. Perhaps the spider took it a bit personally.

Hahaha awesome. Spider-sense was tingling :hubbahubba:

I was minding my own business around Falkreath, checking out a seemingly innocent tomb. Turns out there was spriggan hiding there, so I ran away immediately as my previous experiences with spriggans were all quite... awkward. While running like a rabbit on skooma, a bear catches my scent and decides to pursue me, while my character is slowly coughing up his lungs due to all the sprinting. Thalmor agents cross my path and decide they don't like me. A pack of wolves joins the party. I look around and see this huge merry crew of elves and creatures running after me. Ran into a ruin, angry group of bandits want my head. By now, my pursuers had not shown any signs of fatigue whatsoever, so I decided to dash to the lake. When I was nearly there, half frozen by the Thalmor and their ice hand-cannons, a dragon swoops by and one-shots a bandit. My character, magicka, health and stamina all at ~10%, turns around, only to get killed by a MUDCRAB.

Craziest chase I've ever seen in a videogame.

tl;dr: I saw a mudcrab the other day. Nasty creatures.

"Cool story bro" :lol:
Seriously, that's epic man, [censored] cool. It's odd how sometimes they don't stop and fight amongst themselves.

I saw a guy herding a painted (yes, painted) cow. Said it was an offering he was taking it to a giants' camp so they wouldn't eat his livestock. Intrigued, I followed. Well, no sooner than he got to the camp a giant just turned around and squodged him with his frickin' tree-trunk club. I would have liked to have avenged the guy, was just trying to be nice, but I couldn't kill a giant and his other giant buddy.
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Nick Swan
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 4:49 pm

I guess this isn't so much weird as just completely unexpected on my part.

I was exploring - I don't recall where at the time - and I was approaching one of those towers that are typically inhabited by bandits. Between the tower and myself was a road, and laying against a sign was an NPC. I was wary of running up, so I continued sneaking until he spotted me and didn't attack. The NPC had a name, but I don't remember what it was. Anyway, he tells me he's injured, so I gave him a healing potion. After that he was able to get up and then asked me for help killing some bandits so he could get his stuff at the tower. Sure, why not.

We ran to the tower and the bandits attacked. Meanwhile the guy says something like, "Hold them off while I get my equipment!" So I turn to let him do that and start fighting. Moments later I hear the guy taunt me and he attacks. I'd been tricked. After killing them all I made sure to toss that guy's body off the edge of a nearby rock.

Oh, something else happened to me last night. I was at that little cabin across the river from the stones you pass when you exit the starting area. The old woman there seemed harmless, so I snooped around her dwelling and found something interesting. When I went back outside she wasn't pleased and attacked. So I killed her and was standing around for a few seconds when another female runs up. I assume this was just a random encounter that could happen anywhere, but the timing still makes me wonder. Anyway, this gal runs up and asks for help getting to town after she'd just escaped from some bandits who had been holding her prisoner. I tell her sure, town is that way. Riverwood was within sight across the river.

Next thing she does is run in the opposite direction! I decide to follow just to see where she wound up going. She didn't get far before a pack of wolves attacked and killed her with ease. I was disappointed that I didn't move in quickly enough to protect her.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 6:00 am

My best encounter was last night actually. I was making my way up a mountain towards one of those dragon icons, and as I almost made it there, the dragon took to the sky, while at the same time, one of those powerful Dragur that can also use shouts busted out of his coffin. I lead him down a long stairway to some ruin looking area, where another Dragur that can use shouts started making his way towards me. The dragon ended up being a Frost Dragon and was tearing us up. Then I ran a little further to get some distance and here come 5 skeleton warriors, and up the pathway, ANOTHER Dragur that can shout. By now I'm hearing "Fus Ro Da" every 10 seconds or so with my camera shaking, and a dragon lighting us all up from overhead. I drop two of the Dragur and all of the skeletons and noticed the dragon is further along the path up more stairs. I go up the stairs and find the final Dragur I saw battling two snow bears AND the Frost Dragon, and seconds later a Blood Dragon swoops down from above and lands, then the Frost Dragon lands next to him. (At this moment I was giddy with hype and excitement, and quicksaved promptly)

The Dragur kills both of the bears (with help from the dragons) and sets his sights on the Blood Dragon, and it was me and him each working on a dragon until the Frost Dragon fell, then the Blood Dragon. By now I'm yelling "WOOOO!" in my room with my brother, all hyped up, and I turn to the Dragur for our mono-e-mono, and he was at 2% health...So I prepped my Unrelenting Force shout and sent him flying off the mountain to his death. At this point I yelled out "SKYRIM BABY!" and continued to play, ready for another big battle. This battle took around 10 minutes. Since I didn't find another one like this for hours, I spawned a ton of Imperial and Stormcloak soliders and several dragons and had some fun.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 1:12 am

I'd say not so much a single encounter but a series of encounters.

I ran into an orc fairly early on in my adventures, on a well travelled road.
He was stripped to the waist and hoping for a good death.
I talked a while but seemed unable to convince him to change his plan, bid him farewell and went on my way.

Some time later, I returned upon the road to find him still there, but with a small pile of bandits around him.
Two or three, I think.
I tried again to see if convincing him to take another course of action was possible, but no luck.
I bid him farewell and happily tapped down the bandits for sellable loot before making my way onwards.

The next time I passed by, the body pile had grown significantly.
Adding a couple of necromancers, two sabretoothed cats, a new bandit and a scared but mostly unharmed Talsgar the Wanderer (who stood there begging for mercy and refusing to put down his two raised fists, I still don't know if the Orc saved him or beat him up.)
He didn't mind me picking up anything I wanted, but still wouldn't let me convince him to stop seeking a good death.
At least once, he saved me too.

It soon became a habit that I'd take this road each time I was passing that way.
I'd stop, loot the bodies, skin the animals and then trundle on.
On one occasion I found myself chased by a bear I'd stumbled upon near to the Orc's spot.
I was retreating toward the road when my half naked, green pal came charging up and dropped the barely scratched bear in one swing.

Now, this probably would have continued forever, with me picking over the dead and him ignoring my attempts at recruitment, if it wasn't for the fact that his pile of corpses was starting to get a little too big...

Basically, evertime I approached the area around him, everything began to lag horrendously, up to quite some distance.
I can only imagine it was down to the corpse pile on the hill, ready to roll down at the slightest push and surrounded by weapons, all of which must have been straining my PC's tolerance for number of objects in one area.

Eventually I had to put the Orc down.
It was a sad moment.
Bloody dangerous too, but still sad.
Like losing a favorite pet.
Think "ol' yeller", except more green.
Plus, I don't think the dog had a battleaxe in the movie.
He might have in the book version, I'm not sure.

G'bye crazy old half naked orc.
I'll always miss you, even if my arrows didn't.
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Samantha Jane Adams
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 7:38 pm

A naked elf fell from the sky... Landed right in front of me.

he had some alchemy stuff.
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Javier Borjas
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 6:52 pm

I saw some packages and barrels near a shallow cave. As I approached I realized it was an ambush as ten bandits stormed out from behind the crates laughing maniacly. But just at that moment a group of stormcloaks arrived saying "Die scum!" and to make it worse an angry group of imperials that were following them joined the fight. Then two sabretooths chasing a pack of wolves ran straight into the brawl. Then to make matters worse a master necromancer and his colleages started blasting their fire spells while screaming "THIS IS THE PART WHEN YOU FALL DOWN AND BLEED TO DEATH"
Honestly at this point I was freaking out but all hell truly broke loose when I saw massive shadow fly over the battle, drop a [censored] mammoth on everyone, and then followed by the dragons deafening cry as it landed and began burning everyone. Then to top it all off two giants were fast approaching the all out war to exact revenge for their dead mammoth. Needless to say I spammed restoration for most of the battle :P

Not sure if should believe?
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Gen Daley
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 2:41 am

I don't get it. I free this imprisoned, naked man in some cave inhabited by bandits or something (I don't remember) after he begs me to do so, and immediately after the cage is open, he just starts punching me and insulting me. I'm wearing full daedric armor. I mean, at the very least, shouldn't all of the ridiculous bloody spikes sticking out of my body deter him from hitting me with his fists?
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matt white
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Post » Mon Dec 12, 2011 10:25 pm

I was walking down the street in Markharth, when I realized that the drunk guy holding up the post was humming along with the game's ambient music. lmfao
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Stryke Force
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