Your WTF Moments in Skyrim #14

Post » Sun Aug 18, 2013 4:24 am

Time to start a new thread. Realizing I had collected over 200 mostly flawless gems which I have decided I have to liquidiate before I resume adventuring. That will take possibly weeks of game time. Sheesh!

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Matt Gammond
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Post » Sun Aug 18, 2013 6:33 am

Seems like you're having a tough time getting through that haha. You could just store all of them in your home and sell them little by little? Or just dump them all in front of a beggar in the hold capitals lol. Just be nice for once and not kill anyone who asks you for money. (unlike me)

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Neko Jenny
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Post » Sun Aug 18, 2013 2:33 am

If I could travel leisurely from town to town it would be fun but with freeze-ups I'm going to have to FT to do it and I hate that. I'm hoping getting rid of some of my excess inventory stocked up in game will help alleviate some of the issues I've been having. It is infuriating to be caught by freezes at loading screens and during NPC interactions. I've cleared cache et al and am hoping to salvage the character I created long before Patch 1.9 which instigated this fiasco.

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Harry Hearing
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Post » Sat Aug 17, 2013 10:36 pm

I was level 35 or so with a ton of gold before finally deciding to buy my first homestead to try out housebuilding. I started building the house and did it all in one take. Turned away from the carpenters bench looked at the finished house and thought "man that house is small. Turned back around to the bench and just decided to build the main hall too since i had a bunch of mats anyways. Once i was done with all of the main hall i turned my toon around and i was suprised and i thought to myself "holy crap! thats kinda big".

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Svenja Hedrich
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Post » Sun Aug 18, 2013 2:24 am

I did just the opposite, set the foundation for the main hall then went and walked around the staked out area in satisfation. "Now THAT is the size of a proper house!"

Did the same after every added component, fitted stone for the foor "Looks great!", setting up walls and roof beams, roof then repeated my walkthrough on the wings.

I was very satisfied how the look turned out on my first house.

And then did the same to the other two. I just fell in love with that DLC.

Edit: if only they'd added an option to allow you to turn it into a castle.

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Post » Sun Aug 18, 2013 1:10 am

I guess my biggest wtf today was when i was on my way to try to take out an imperial camp and i had an encounter of two dragons and a cave bear (i had to fight all of them at once, i killed the bear, but the basic dragon and the frost dragon where too much for me). i died, and i restored my game and went back to where i was killed and had the same encounter but that time i bearly beat them.

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JaNnatul Naimah
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Post » Sun Aug 18, 2013 2:34 pm

Not sure it quite counts as a WTF moment but there was definitely something surreal about watching a Thalmor Justicar beg for mercy from two mudcrabs. I'd shouted her into a river and she hadn't fared so well in there. Dealt with her superior attitude very nicely. :happy:

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Dragonz Dancer
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Post » Sun Aug 18, 2013 5:33 am

My orc was hunting outside Dushnik Yal and came across some goats. No prob. shot the goat with an arrow "5 coin bounty from Dusknik Yal" And every orc came running out to attack her. Oops wrong goat it seemed. The wtf is it cost her 15 coin to pay off her 5 coin bounty. Orcs believe in taxes I guess.

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Danny Warner
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