I killed paarthurnax on the throat of the world, and of course he glitched and stayed on the word wall while I killed him, so his health bar disappeared but his name was still there, after I killed him a few times, I decided to go tell Delphine that he was being stubborn. I fast traveled to Sky Ruler Temple and the quest "Paarthurnax" comes up and tells me to talk to Delphine, since he decided to die falling off the cliff... ALL THE WAY TO RIVERWOOD... Then I did everything, blah blah, and I later go to Whiterun for something, and I get to the merchant circle in front of The Bannered Mare and Paarthurnax pops up and drops his bone all over me. So being level 80 something, I decided to play with them, using paralyze and sprinting, I through Paarthurnax all through Whiterun (role playing of course) while he was attacking innocent bystanders. Several times I missed and hit Aela, Vilkas, and Ria, but they got back up eventually, and finally I shot paarthurnax so high, so many times with paralyze that he was banished from whiterun forever. Not to mention Aela didn't like being paralyzed too much so she came after me... And a guard came after her... And then they started getting paralyzed

things didn't work out too much for them...
Another wtf moment. I was in Riften being a good thief pickpocketing everyone I could find, when I saw this guard sitting outside on the sidewalk, except there was no chair... He was doing a serious biggest loser workout, but I couldn't do anything to him, i could go right through him and he would look at me as i walked by... Strange :/
One more, these things keep coming to me lol I walked into Jorrvaskr and Farkas opens diolague with me and unsheaths his sword, I exit diolague and he does the same thing when he gets done saying some random line, so after a while of this, I decided enough was enough (he was opening dialogue even when I was using the forge, so I couldn't do anything...), I decided to do his "Purity" quest and leave him at the tomb (considering he forced me to leave my hireling) when I got done he did the SAME THING and wouldn't let me leave, so I cut his head off... I never had a problem with him again, but then Vilkas started to do it.. You know what happened to him...