A follower from a mod perhaps?
A follower from a mod perhaps?
Realizing I finished "The Man Who Cried Wolf" at least 20 levels ago, and STILL haven't got the letter from Falk Firebeard asking for help with the awakened Wolf Queen, despite fulfilling all the requirements AFAIK. Right now my bard is busy saving moth priests and whatnot, but I really want to move him to Solitude soon... Maybe time for a little out-of-character pickpocketing or console-commanding.
While I was venturing the north of Skyrim, a couple of goats literally decided to commit suicide so they fell off a high ice block and killed themselves.
Serana hates my dog, Bran, and occasionally tries to kill him when I'm not looking. I can't calm them, as I'm not an illusionist, and knocking Serana out just pisses her off more.
Just go talk to him. He should have the dialog. You may just have to RP getting the letter... or retrieve it from the cqc room...
I remember that when I was in the room (Live Another Life), Ulfric and two other guys magically appeared in front of me and started fighting in the actual room! Very weird considering this was a one-off occurrence.
Lol, I know that will happen if you use Live Another Life coc yourself to Ulfric's or Tullius' position after having started a new game but before investigating Helgen. You will find Ulfric, Tullius, Hadvar and Ralof in that room, and since they belong to two enemy factions and all are essential, the fight will go one forever...
I never came across a thalmor prisoner patrol IN Solitude before. Well came across one the other day. And I decided to mock them... silly yellow elves don't like that so much... So they attack. Of course every guard, bard, homeless man and shop keeper turn out to help protect me. Of course it got better when the prisoner ran off with his hands tied right past the front gate guardsman and vanished outside. And to make matters more hilarious, guards and children alike were gathering around going "I'm going to find who ever did this!"
The answer to that is "Everyone."
Began a mage character for the first time recently and decided my best bet was to head straight for the College. Knowing I wouldn't survive the trip alone (I don't fast travel and rarely use carriages), I hung around Whiterun and Riverwood until I had the coin to hire Jenassa. I finally get to Winterhold and decide to rent a room before heading to the college. It was late and the trip wasn't easy. Besides, the Well Rested bonus is nice.
"Sure! Let me show you to your room." Jarl Korir is in my room sitting at the table eating some bread. I did get the Helm of Winterhold quest, though.
Wait what? What was he doing in the inn?
Thats ok, within the space of a month I have had a helicopter Falmer, a dragon disappear into the ground after it died (still got the soul), getting a dragon soul after going to where I previously killed a dragon even though the body had despawned, a dead sabre cat fly twenty feet into the air after I killed it as a werewolf, Imperial guards (completed the civil war for empire) soldiers and normal hold guards comment on my character being naked while I WAS IN WEREWOLF FORM!
Most of that happened all last night not to mention the invisible dragons I fought and not to mention the fact that I also had a helicopter troll.
He's the Jarl, he can eat wherever he damn well pleases!
He takes all his meals in the inn and hangs out there briefly, probably the only Jarl to do so.
Yes but on the bed that is being rented by the Dovahkiin?
Jarl Korir must be bisixual then because I am assuming that Jabberdave's character is male and the Jarl has a son . . .
I may have just given you nightmares now.
Oh and continuing from above need I mention a certain Moth Priest staying aggro on me or my kids not wanting a new pet after the first two die?
Thanks! I briefly looked him up to see if this was a bug, but found nothing. I'm not that familiar with Winterhold, but I've stayed in the inn several times. Don't think I've ever seen him in there before.
He's always in that room, the naughty naughty man! Funny thing, while Korir gets drunk and tries to make a move on the Dovahkiin, his wife is relaxing on his throne... makes me wonder who really rules Winterhold...?
(At the inn in Falkreath, the farmer who lost his daughter to the werewolf hangs out in the room for rent at night, assumingly trying to find someone to help him forget his sorrows. And at the Winking Skeever, Ahtar can be seen leaving your room early in the morning, makes me wonder what he has been up to with my poor (male) bard?! Ok, by bard is bi, but that's not the point.)
I had a classic case of falling mammoth today. The falling mammoth was accompanied by a falling giant. The giant landed first, poor fellow, but http://i.minus.com/ibltYns9PZD5BU.jpg.
Then I went to Kynesgrove, http://i.minus.com/ibggCWtmQ1rAES.jpg.
And now I have another incident to add to my within one month.
A deer fell from the sky and died instantly, I had heard of giants and mammoths doing that but not deer.
I think I might have seen falling deer, not sure if they died though. In one of my previous playthroughs, I wondered why there always seemed to be a dead guard outside Klinmek's house in Ivarstead, until one morning when I stepped out from the inn and saw a poor guard spawn high up in the air and fall to her death.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vsywVeAvKwA...Especially at riften. Large part of this video is a text screen...Had to fill the gap quickly. And a video without music is no video D:
Giant and 2 bandits in battle outside of Dawnstar. My character was at a fair distance when the giant took a massive swing w/ his club. One bandit flying thru the air one way, then immediately the other took flight in the opposite direction.
I had summoned that dragon from the Soul Cairn, I was near a giant camp. I do the shout, he appears, violentely swinging his tail, he hits 2 mammoths, launching them into the sky, they both do barrel rolls all the way up and back down, then both land perfectly on all four legs. After learning the shout from the dragon, I run past the mammoths, I noticed they arent moving or breathing. Dead.
Skyrim is a strange place. I heard it has its own gravitational pull.
When i was going to get the Jagged Crown for General Tullius on my (now Legate) Dunmer Warrior, Victor, There was a bunch of bandits standing in-front of the dungeon not doing anything. I go up to them and they are dead.......standing up. I also hit a Stormcloak with a downward slash and it sent the (now dead) Rebel flying upwards.
I killed myself with my own arrow after fighting three giants.
Felt pretty...eh..dumb lol.
Holy crap, I got questioned by a guard in Whiterun after sneak killing Anoriath. He asked why I was standing near a body with my weapon drawn and stuff like that. I've NEVER had that happen to me before.
i decided to dress up like grell (black butler) and use the chainsaw....by the nine those bandits were praying to stendarr when i came to that camp..