Your "WTF" moments?

Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 2:13 am

Biggest WTF-moment happend yesterday.
Found a stash full of dwemer metal and stuff. Packed both my char and Lydia full with stuff and decided it was worth walking like a turtle all the way to Windhelm.
Packed all weapons on Lydia who up to this point always used a bow when fighting at range.

On the way we met a pack of wolves and I pulled out my bow. Then suddenly there was ALOT of lightning coming from behind striking the wolves one by one.
I turn around and see my dear Lydia (who dont accept anything other then heavy armor stuff) standing with one staff of sparks in one hand and another staff of lightning in the other

WTF? :tongue:
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Amy Gibson
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 12:33 pm

My 3 top moments so far,

1: Mammoth stuck between two large rocks (i save game and run up to see whats going on) it doesnt attack me, just stands there trying to get unstuck, a giant walks up and shoves it free, looks at me as if to say "wtf are you looking at" then they both walk off together.

2: Two imperial horses fighting in a camp near a river, one dies, the other walks into the river where a Slaughterfish kills it.

3: Four Dragons within the space of 5 minutes.
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Elle H
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 12:04 pm

wtf. rofl

I have to see this now. If this really is in game.

It is. The enemies are called Afflicted. They are only in the one ruin as they are part of a quest.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 10:43 am

I was fighting the most fearsome mudcrab I have ever seen, when suddenly I took an arrow to the knee. Then my sweetroll was stolen... I was like, wtf?
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Mel E
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 2:34 am

A mammoth killed a dragon...I did nothing to help.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 11:14 am

My favorites so far have been; when I got a spinning slow-mo decapitation on a bandit, as his head was flying off he proceeded to shout "It's just a scratch!"; and the others involve sneaking and archery, I once shot a bandit in the head, didn't kill him, but he proceeded to give up the search immediately and loudly exclaimed "Must have been my imagination". Same situation, but I've also had them say "Must have been the wind", as if the wind flung the arrow in to their face...
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 8:08 pm

I saw a mammoth in the distance fly 200 feet into the air, then fall down and die. It was pretty hilarious.
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Oscar Vazquez
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 1:43 am

These are absolutely hilarious!
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Jerry Jr. Ortiz
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 5:51 pm

When an undead shouted at me and I dropped my bow.....I then went to the quick menu thing and chose my mace. I then went to put a poison on it and it said "You must equip a weapon in order to do that".......really, WTF?
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 12:27 pm

1) Attempting to take on the Greybeards all at once. They freeze you with Ice Form, burn you, punch you as you stand up, then freeze you again before you get control again. And repeat until you're dead.

2) I took on a small group of bandits (5 of them) and killed the 3 near me, 1 shot one of the archers, whipped out my healing spells (I had like 25% left), then got smacked in the face by an arrow from the last archer. I flew over the walls of the fort and into a nearby pool of water.

3) Using Unrelenting Force (fully charged) on a Forsworn soldier and watching him fly off the edge of a very high cliff... only to stand back up and run back up the hill to me (he had like 75% health left).

4) Challening one of those Old Orcs on the road to a battle and thinking I was all that. I summoned my flame atronach and bound swords... only to be cleaved in half by his sword with one hit. I hadn't saved or exited a town/dungeon for about an hour by then either.

Oh Skyrim.... how I love thee. :tes:
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 5:01 pm

Jumped off a mountain, went to use the Shout Become Ethereal, realized I should have used the shout before I jumped. Apparently you can't shout, scream, or curse while you are falling. :sadvaultboy:
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 7:51 pm

Several of these.
1). Was trying to make my way to some quest marker and found a random dungeon. Being the explorer I am, I decided to go through the dungeon instead of going straight to my quest marker. I explore the dungeon, get to the end, and find some Draugr Overlord or w/e that keeps 1 hitting me. Got tired of it so I jumped down a random escape route and found the exit. I get out of the dungeon to find 3 Frost Trolls waiting on me. So I take them one at a time and kill all of them. Feeling accomplished I continue to my destination...only to have a dragon land beside me seconds later, bite me in half, and throw me into a tree...

2). Last night I was heading to Winterhold and heard a dragon land behind me. So I jumped off my horse and turned to fight it. Being the warrior he is my horse runs towards the dragon to fight him....and then decides he no longer want's to be confined to walking on the earth so he jumps onto the dragon's wing and the dragon flys upwards...and my horse falls off the dragon's wing to his death after an entire 3 seconds of being airborne. At least I can say my horse learned to fly...

There was another that was an extreme "WTF" moment but I don't remember what it was at the moment...
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 9:15 pm

Earlier on my Nord Barbarian got killed by a Forsworn spellcaster in the midst of a big battle. What made me blink several times, was the cinematic type view (after my Nord had been ice-spiked to death) showing my Character being resurrected from the dead by the Spellcaster. He just kind of rose up and then stood there...I almost tried to control him before I realised she had actually raised my character. Definite wtf.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 2:20 pm

I killed a dark elf and removed his head and he got back up and ran away :mellow: .

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Brandon Wilson
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 1:07 pm

I was hanging out in the plains outside Whiterun, and saw a farmer leading his cow around.

I was like, "What's up man?"

And he told me how he was offering his cow to the Giant in the camp nearby so they would leave his livestock alone, and how he painted it to let them know it was a peace offering. He told me it was better if I didn't help, so I just watched walk up to the camp. Calmly, he walks to the middle of the camp, the Giants rasing there clubs angrily all around him, and then flees for his life. He runs about 20 feet before he is corner by a giant and a mammoth, so he gets down and begs for mercy. He got none as the mammoth tossed his lifeless body away.

I was following him too to see what would happen, but the poor bugger never reached the camp. Two dragons flew in and ate him (and his cow). :(

Edit: And after that, they totally destroyed a nearby fort inhabited by bandits.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 11:09 am

I was following him too to see what would happen, but the poor bugger never reached the camp. Two dragons flew in and ate him (and his cow). :(

Edit: And after that, they totally destroyed a nearby fort inhabited by bandits.

Gotta love random dragon encounters. :tes:

Walking through the plains near Whiterun, ahead of me is a large rock. All of a sudden a mammoth fly's up from the other side of the rock, going about ten feet in the air, letting out a large mammoth-yelp. He fell back to the ground without a sound, I climb the rock to see a giant whacking mammoths with his mace!
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