» Wed Dec 14, 2011 1:00 am
I had just restarted the game, and decided to do more exploring this time (hadn't finished it, but got to level 30 by doing random quests and the like, just enjoying the game).
I had just retrieved the golden claw and was selling loot to the blacksmith when 3 people, heavily armed and dressed in full steel armor with horned helmets walk through the gates of Riverwood. I walked over to see who they were, very curious. One of them engages me in conversation and say: "We're gonna teach you a lesson!" and then they all attack me, with enchanted weaponry. I have no idea how I beat them, but I did (I had help from the bosmer hunter in the village), and after that I looted them and found a note that mentioned them being sent to teach me a lesson from a "Moira", and that they didn't have to kill me. I had never even met a Moira, so I was quite confused.
At a later time, I was exploring Shimmer mist... cave? I think? Anyways, and I was about level 5. In there, I encounter Falmer. I used to oneshot those guys from stealth with my bow, so I tried that tactic, having found an orc bow in another cave just nearby. The falmer is hardly injured and attacks me. I remember I was level 30 when I thought they were easy... After fighting my way through hordes of Falmer and those insectoids that spid acid, I make it to the final room where there is a falmer groomlurker. I realized this was gonna be the fight of my life, but just as I sneak attacked it and then it came for me. I used my nordic battle cry to send it running back from the way it came and prepared to take a few more shots, as I saw something through the mist. A huge creature behind it... And then! STEAM EVERYWHERE, and I was getting cooked alive. I ran for it, and as what turned out to be a Dwemer Centurion came after me, I ran down a hallway and heard a clunk. I turned around to see that the Dwemer Centurion was too large to follow me. I realized it was going to fill the tunnel with steam soon, so I shot at it a few times and managed to take it out that way. Going back to loot it, I was almost killed by the groom lurker that was still alive, and had an even more intense battle with it. Finally, I stood victorious. What a glorious moment... Then I looted them and felt cheated.