Your "WTF" moments?

Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 8:55 pm

going into options and not seeing a toggle for 3rd person finishers.
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Cathrine Jack
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 7:05 pm

Had a glitch where the walls were pink/purple. Tried to F12 it (screenSHOUT) and it crashed. :(
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Penny Flame
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 5:14 pm

Traveling up a high mountain and coming across a dungeon and while still on the snowy outside all of sudden hearing a eerie moaning. To my horror as i turned to see where the sound was coming from i saw a Draugher (probably misspelled) rising from a outside crypt and starting to lurch towards me. I was like "What the hey?!" never expecting to see them outside of a dungeon.

Another "WTF" moment was seeing a bloody dismembered hand on a table where a female vampire i had just killed had been sitting. Talking about grisly gourmet delights.

Coming across a entourage of snotty stuck up Altmers on the road and during a conversation with one of them suddenly being acttacked by him. Caught me totally off guard but i came out victorious and got some cool Elven light armor for my troubles.

Seeing Stamina no longer called Fatigue as in previous Elder Scrolls rpgs :tongue:
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BrEezy Baby
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 6:22 pm

i fought a bunch of forsworn and won and when i went into third person....all the arrows where in my characters groin.
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Baylea Isaacs
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 5:14 pm

When I killed a draugr and it bounced off a wall.
When I first got killed by a giant. This was my face O.O.
A more happy WTF moment. When I met Maiq The Liar.
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Angela Woods
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 1:00 am

I had just restarted the game, and decided to do more exploring this time (hadn't finished it, but got to level 30 by doing random quests and the like, just enjoying the game).

I had just retrieved the golden claw and was selling loot to the blacksmith when 3 people, heavily armed and dressed in full steel armor with horned helmets walk through the gates of Riverwood. I walked over to see who they were, very curious. One of them engages me in conversation and say: "We're gonna teach you a lesson!" and then they all attack me, with enchanted weaponry. I have no idea how I beat them, but I did (I had help from the bosmer hunter in the village), and after that I looted them and found a note that mentioned them being sent to teach me a lesson from a "Moira", and that they didn't have to kill me. I had never even met a Moira, so I was quite confused.

At a later time, I was exploring Shimmer mist... cave? I think? Anyways, and I was about level 5. In there, I encounter Falmer. I used to oneshot those guys from stealth with my bow, so I tried that tactic, having found an orc bow in another cave just nearby. The falmer is hardly injured and attacks me. I remember I was level 30 when I thought they were easy... After fighting my way through hordes of Falmer and those insectoids that spid acid, I make it to the final room where there is a falmer groomlurker. I realized this was gonna be the fight of my life, but just as I sneak attacked it and then it came for me. I used my nordic battle cry to send it running back from the way it came and prepared to take a few more shots, as I saw something through the mist. A huge creature behind it... And then! STEAM EVERYWHERE, and I was getting cooked alive. I ran for it, and as what turned out to be a Dwemer Centurion came after me, I ran down a hallway and heard a clunk. I turned around to see that the Dwemer Centurion was too large to follow me. I realized it was going to fill the tunnel with steam soon, so I shot at it a few times and managed to take it out that way. Going back to loot it, I was almost killed by the groom lurker that was still alive, and had an even more intense battle with it. Finally, I stood victorious. What a glorious moment... Then I looted them and felt cheated.
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Darlene Delk
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 4:01 pm

In ivorstead I was ambushed by a dragon, I was still stuck with Novice level spells so this was going to be a very harrowing fight.

I knew I couldn't win, so I ran into a near-by cave
upon entering I see TWO massive cave bears charging right at me

OH [censored]!

I run back out and am immediately eaten alive by the Dragon\

PS: did you know Dragons can do finishers on you too? I was swallowed whole by one

a definitely "out of the oven and into the frying pan" moment.
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Sophie Miller
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 11:17 am

When i accidentally lost 41 hours worth of gameplay and now have to start over..
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Amanda Leis
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 11:55 pm

I'm helping an Orc Chief slay a giant, and the chief disappears in the middle of the fight. I nearly finish killing the giant and the chief lands right at my feet with a loud thud. His weapon comes down a few seconds later and lands on the giant, killing him. I love the physics of this game. Giants are so powerful.
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Tammie Flint
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 10:54 pm

Just a little while ago, I was outside Whiterun with a giant camp nearby with mammoths roaming. I was far enough away from the camp that the giants didn't mind my presence.

Then a dragon landed next to me. Surprised the crap out of me, maybe I should turn the sound up a little more. Anyway, I was fighting him when all of a sudden he takes off, circles a bit, then heads straight for the giant camp.

I followed, stupidly I suppose, and was trying to get his attention back to me with a few arrow shots...

Unfortunately, he then was killed in the middle of the giant camp. I wasn't sure about how the giants would react if I tried to get to the dragon's body. After all, we fought and slayed the dragon together, we were ok with each other right?

Wrong, giant squashed my melon like a graqe.

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Chris Ellis
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 12:31 pm

I was hanging out in the plains outside Whiterun, and saw a farmer leading his cow around.

I was like, "What's up man?"

And he told me how he was offering his cow to the Giant in the camp nearby so they would leave his livestock alone, and how he painted it to let them know it was a peace offering. He told me it was better if I didn't help, so I just watched walk up to the camp. Calmly, he walks to the middle of the camp, the Giants rasing there clubs angrily all around him, and then flees for his life. He runs about 20 feet before he is corner by a giant and a mammoth, so he gets down and begs for mercy. He got none as the mammoth tossed his lifeless body away.
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Mrs. Patton
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 3:33 pm

Namira's quest... :sick:
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Marlo Stanfield
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 12:26 am

Elder dragon is camping on the steps of High Hrothgar. It ate the troll, and Faendal too.

It only gets mad if I get too close.
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Mimi BC
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 2:43 pm

I was climbing up a mountain when i saw something fly over me. watching it slide down i realized it was a horse! wtf!!
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Rudy Paint fingers
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 10:50 pm

Walked into the general store in Whiterun, happy as can be, bought a Steel Greatsword and wanted to test it out, as you do. I walked up to the guy(Forgot his name) and held down the power button, forgetting that I had just got the decapitation perk, so in goes my sword through his neck and his head goes flying off. INTO A FREAKING KETTLE POT. I laughed for 5 minutes straight, and put the kettle into the fire hoping to cook his head :whistling:
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Amiee Kent
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 10:40 pm

Had to fight two dragons at the time once.
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Kelsey Anna Farley
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 11:08 pm

The first meeting with a giant's club was a huge one.

Also, though I guess it's more of a "NOOOOOOOOOOO" moment... A dragon I had just killed decided to slide all the way down a mountain, with me jumping after it, attempting to loot before it gained too much momentum. I caught up at the bottom :sadvaultboy:
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Catherine N
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 1:23 pm

2 dragons attack the college of winterhold and lose.
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Rusty Billiot
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 4:30 pm

Travelling to the tree for the Nettlebane quest, Dragon swoops by, so I run behind a rock and start firing lightning bolts at it. It comes towards me, then after acouple fireballs it flew over the mountain and I followed it. Saw acouple giants beating its head in. So I let them finish it for me, ran up and got its soul. Giants were still pissed, so they came after me. I ran as far as I could, turned around, and they had backed off. I sighed, continued on, and found I had run into acouple cave bears, so I tried to run away from them. Found a pond, swam to an island in the middle of it. Realized there was a necromancer and a few skeletons up there, so I fought and killed em. As soon as I beat em, the bears had made their way onto the island. So I ran away some more, finally got inside the Sanctuary. After I got the sap for Danica, fricken Spriggens two shotted me. So, when I reloaded, I got whirlwind equipped, and used it to escape before Spriggens arrived, and could hear the screams of the innocent as I left. Didn't see one enemy the entire way back to Whiterun.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 12:32 pm

My first random dragon encounter: A dragon lands right next to me shaking the ground then launches his fiery breath at me. I barely got behind cover throwing pots and the whole thing turns into a firebolt vs dragon... tactical positioning. Suddenly an obviously annoyed giant approaches the dragon from the left, slams his club on him and one-hits the dragon. This made me oO. Then the giant turns towards me and runs in my direction swinging his club. That made me Oo; and run.
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Talitha Kukk
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 8:18 pm

Playing as a destruction mage

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DAVId Bryant
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 2:13 pm

The Hangover quest with out doubt! :evil:

Oh and Bessie the goat helping me kill a dragon during the above quest.
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jessica breen
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 6:55 pm

I've had three memorable "WTF" moments:

1) I'm heading out on a quest, and a guy says, "I've always wanted to visit such-and-so. Do you mind if I tag along?" Sure, whatever. Just stay out of trouble. Not more than 50-yards from town, an assassin jumps out bearing a sword, and the dude I'm traveling with runs right up and starts trying to box with nothing on his back but rags. He's down in two hits. That was a short trip. Oh well.

2) I get jumped by three bandits just outside of a city gate, but wait! There are guards nearby! Surely they'll help me! I'm getting beat on by three bandits with swords while a guard strolls casually by and says, "Keep out of trouble, citizen." Um, a little help here?

3) I'm heading back to town, it's only about a hundred yards from me now, clearly visible on a prominent hill. There are guards patrolling the roads and farmers working the fields. Suddenly a woman runs up to me and says, "I just escaped from some bandits! You're the first person I've seen in days!" Uh... O.K. "Can you show me the way to the nearest town?" Sure, it's right over there. "Thanks!" She turns and runs in the opposite direction.

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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 5:20 pm

While fighting a Dragon, he suddenly decides to fly off even though he is winning, yet instead of flying off normally, he flew up, and up, untill he dissapeared. Remarkable!
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Laura-Jayne Lee
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 5:37 pm

So i was hoping for a nice peaceful walk around Whiterun steppes with my horse, but suddenly out of nowhere a wild sabre cat appears, i had to run from it until stumbling into a fight between blood dragon and giant. While trying to help the giant i hear someone's screams coming near me ... it was M'aiq screaming like crazy he got stuck between the dragon and the giant running in circles. The dragon dies and the [censored] giant starts chasing me, my horse manages to kill him somehow. And then the mammoths join the party.... everything ends with me and M'aiq running like hell from the pack of angry mammoths.

Another, a bit creepy this one... i don't know exactly where but there is this creepy foggy little forest in the south near some old dungeon which you need key for. I was exploring this place and suddenly see this scavenger weirdo standing there looking at the pile of imperial corpses, that bastard was tough to kill ... then his loot - imperial officer helmet o0 stormcloak armor some other weird stuff. and then you see the nvde bodies scattered there at night ... kinda scary
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