» Tue Dec 13, 2011 10:49 am
Deciding to pick a fight with a giant. No, this isn't the usual "giant whacked me into space" deal. Read on and you shall see!
I managed to anger only one giant and, with good, liberal use of stamina, lured it all the way from its camp to Whiterun Stables (Wasn't that far off) all while shooting flame spells at it.
Luckily, there was a man, Havor I think, there in the stables. I jumped into the pen, safe and sound and watched as he pulled out his tiny little dagger to face the giant. Only nothing happen. In that little confined space, both he and the giant simply stood there and stared at each other with Havor making the usual combat quotes to the giant. Not one of them tried to kill the other. I'm not sure if the giants are programmed to have angry faces or not when fighting, but this one looked almost regretfully sad when looking at this young stable man.
I enjoyed this veiw for a good two minutes before I decided to end it by flaming the giant along with Havor actually slashing at it. Result? We actually managed to kill it. The giant didn't really do anything, though, just stood there and took the beating.
Oh, and his mammoth was watching the whole thing from atop the hill, not once bothering to do anything until I approached it.