Ysolda ForceGreet

Post » Sun May 18, 2014 9:30 am

Hi. I'm having an issue with giving Ysolda a forcegreet package through her quest alias. It seems doing that breaks all her other packages. Meaning, she stands in the same place ( usually the middle of the road ) as soon as the package conditions are true.

How can I have an NPC perform a proper forcegreet but still carryout the their other package behaviors? I'd like Ysolda to still keep her schedule in Whiterun, but simply forcegreet the player at the proper time in the quest.


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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 12:58 am

Your package should have a condition saying GetStage == ProperTimeInQuest. If I've got your question right, this should do it.

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Josh Lozier
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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 4:57 am

The issue is the NPC wait location specified by the forcegreet package.

Because it exists, it overrides all other behaviors.

The GetStage Condition is necessary BUT I need a second condition that will allow Ysloda to use her other packages until she has seen the player and forced the conversation.

Otherwise Ysolda will be standing in the middle of the road, or locked in her house, from the moment that the GetStage is true.

I've experimented with a condition that uses distance to the player but it doesn't work.

How else can this be done?

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claire ley
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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 1:47 pm

I've experienced difficulties with the GetDistance function too.

I have a few suggestions although none of them are perfect.

1. A GetDetected or GetInSameCellAsRef function - or a few GetPos functions.

2. If her normal behavior is within a limited area you could use a trigger box. If it's within several limited areas you could use several trigger boxes each checking if she's in it and the player's in it before setting her forcegreet package in action. This seems to be a pretty difficult and tiresome way to do it though.

There must be better ways to do it though.

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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 12:59 pm

You could add a script to register her, or the player, for line of sight with the other via http://www.creationkit.com/RegisterForLOS_-_Form; have that advance the quest to a stage that the forcegreet package is conditioned to.
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